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珠三角中小企业人力资源管理研究摘 要发展到21世纪,中小企业日益得到国家重视,受到社会关注。立根于经济繁荣的珠三角地区的中小企业尤甚。然而,珠三角中小企业的管理者在追求企业发展速度及发展规模,为企业盈利出谋划策时,往往忽视与之密切相关的人力资源。人力资源是企业最重要的资源,人力资源管理是企业的核心工作之一,但中小企业视它们为无关紧要的资源及工作,进而导致一系列人力资源管理问题,甚至演变成人力资源管理危机,给企业带来诸多消极影响。本文首先通过关注时事及采用文献参考法等方式,对珠三角中小企业人力资源管理普遍存在的问题进行概述,从企业内部、外部以及员工个人三方面寻找并初步归纳人力资源管理问题产生原因。然后,就中小企业员工满意度展开问卷调查,利用SPSS软件对问卷进行分析,通过调查数据探索出影响中小企业人力资源管理的因素,向中小企业展示人力资源管理问题的严重性及危害性,希望藉此引起管理者对人力资源管理的重视。最后,结合所学知识,探讨人力资源管理问题的解决方法,为中小企业应对人力资源管理问题提供对策,从而做好人力资源管理工作,让人力资源发挥最大作用,为企业创造价值,为企业发展做出贡献。关键词:珠三角,中小企业,人力资源管理,对策 AbstractIn this 21st century,medium-sized and small enterprises(SMEs) are attached importance to by our country and become one of the social focuses,especially the SMEs in the Pearl River Delta, a prosperous area.However,when administers of these SMEs think highly of developing speed and scale,and make decisions for making profits,they always neglect the human resource,a resource has a great impact on the above activities and decisions.In fact,human resource is the most important resource of enterprises,and human resource management(HRM) is one of the core works in SMEs.But SMEs just take them as inessential things,which leads to a series HRM problems,and even become HRM crisis,brings up negative impacts on SMEs.By keeping an eye on current events and adopting references method and so on, this essay states an overview of HRM problems of SMEs in Pearl River Delta, and seeks from internal and external of SMEs and their employees for the reasons causing HRM problems. Then, does questionnaire survey about employee satisfaction among SMEs, and analyze this survey by SPSS, explore the factors causing HRM problems, show the SMEs the severity and harm about them.And expect the management will pay more attention to HRM. And lastly ,combined with acquired knowledge ,explore the solutions for HRM problems, hoping to help SMEs cope with these problems,and wish them to take actions on HRM,making human resource play their role,so that they can create value and make con


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