农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据.pdf

农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据.pdf

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农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和729份问卷数据

( ) 2015 6 16 3 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Social Sciences), Jun. 2015, 16(3):037–042 DOI: 10.13331/ki.jhau(ss).2015.03.007 农民工离职意愿的影响因素及其代际差异 ——基于工作价值认可视角和 729 份问卷数据 钱龙,钱文荣 ( 310058 ) 摘 要 729 probit 关 键 词 中图分类号C912.82 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-2013(2015)03-0037-06 Affecting factors and intergenerational differences of migrant workers’ turnover intention: Based on the perspective of work values recognition and 729 questionnaires QIAN Long, QIAN Wen-rong (China Academy for Rural Development Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China) Abstract: Based on the perspective of work values recognition and 729 questionnaires, we test empirically the influence of three kinds of values (living values, vocational values and calling values) on the migrant workers’ turnover intention with Probit model. The results show that both the living values and vocational values satisfaction have negative significant effects on workers’ turnover intention,the ascension of the two will reduce the migrant workers turnover intention. The calling values satisfaction has no significant effect, but marriage, education degree and the enterprise nature all have significant effects. The impact of vocational satisfaction varies among generations: the older generation of migrant workers pays more attention to the realization of the living values, and they can be influenced more by the living values satisfaction, the influence coefficient is nearly two times


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