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分子机器中链状分子热传导性质的 理论研究分子机器中链状分子热传导性质的 理论研究
Modern Physics 现代物理, 2017, 7(6), 227-234
Published Online November 2017 in Hans. /journal/mp
Theoretical Study on the Heat
Conductivities of Chain Molecules
in Molecular Machines
Jianping Huang1*, Jing Tang2
College of Information Science and Technology, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan
College of Physics and Information Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan
th th th
Received: Oct. 20 , 2017; accepted: Nov. 4 , 2017; published: Nov. 10 , 2017
The formula for energy flux of chain molecule vibrations in molecular machines was derived
based on the lattice dynamics, and then the formula for heat conductivities of chain molecules was
derived based on energy flux formula and Green-Kubo formula. In view of the fact that the line-
widths of all phonons should be needed during the calculations of the heat conductivities of chain
molecules, the formula for phonons’ linewidths was derived based on lattice dynamics and Green’s
function theory. Finally the numerical calculations were carried out, and the results show that the
heat conductivities of chain molecules increase and tend to infinity when their lengths increase
and tend to infinity, and there is a big difference between the heat conductivities of a chain mole-
cule and a cyclic molecule with the same length. The numerical results also show that the main
contributions to the heat conductivities of long chain molecules were made by phonons with short
wave vectors.
Chain Molecule, Heat Conductivity, Energy Flux, Linewidth of Phonon, Lattice Dynamics
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