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2001 59 Vol. 59, 2001 2 , 213~ 219 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA No. 2, 213~ 219 * 詹传郎 王夺元 ( 100080) ( ) , . , : P- P- / , M , a B , , , . ( 类) 杂芪染料, 分子第 一超极化率, 溶致变色, 分子结构效应, 线性相关 Investigations of the Molecule- Structure- Factors Influences on the First Hyperpolarizabilities of the Organic Molecules * ZHAN Chua - La g WANG Duo- Yua ( The Center of Molecular Science, Institute of Chemistry, The ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Bejiing, 100080) Abstract The molecule- structure- factors i flue ces, i cludi g the positive/ egative charge i flue ce, the co jugated P- electro umber i flue ce, the co jugated P- atom i flue ce, the li ki g i flue ce a d the do or/ acceptor i flue ce, o the B- values have bee studied. The molecule tra sitio e ergy Ma has bee firstly i troduced to li k the above five i flue ces. A li ear fu ctio group a d a et- like graph for describi g the li ear relatio ship betwee the B- values a d M have bee obtai ed co tai i g all of five i flue ces, from a which o e could fi d the key factor to i flue ce o the B- values a d obtai desired maximum B- value for each i flue ce. So the graph gives out a ew idea a d ope s a ew way to desig a d sy thesize ew orga ic moleculeswith high B- values. Keywords stilbazolium - like dye, hyperpolarizability, solvatochromism, molecule - structure - factor i flue ce, li ear correlatio ,


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