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1 - 569/2 11/ 27( 5)-15 -1 A c ta P e tro log ica S in ica 岩石学报
Fe-T-i P
1, 2 3 *1* 1
邢长明 陈伟 王焰 赵太平
1, 2 3 1** 1
X ING ChangM ing , CHEN W ei , WANG ChristinaYan and ZHAO TaiPing
11 , , 51 64
21 , 1 49
31 ,
11K ey L aboratory of M in eralogy and M etallog eny, G uangz hou In s titu te of Geoch em is try, Chines eA cademy of S ciences, Guangzh ou 51 64 , Ch ina
21 G raduate University of Ch ines eA cademy of Sciences, B ei ing 1 49, C hina
31 D ep artm en t of Earth S ciences, th e Un ivers ity of H ong K ong, H ong K ong, Ch ina
2 1 -12-12 收稿, 2 11- 3-18改回1
X ing CM, Chen W, W ang CY and Z hao TP1 20111 V olatile com ponents and C-H-O isotop ic com positions o Proterozoic
Dam iao Fe-T -i P oxide deposit in th e northern m arg in o the North Ch ina C raton1A cta P etrolog ica S in ica, 27( 5): 1500- 1510
Abstrac t The ~ 11 74Ga Dam iaom assif-type anorthosite comp lex in the northern m argin of theNorth China Craton hosts a large Fe-
T i-P oxide deposit1 Volatiles that w ere trapped in m agnetite, apatite and p lagioclase of m ass ive Fe-T i ore, m assive Fe-T-i P ore and
d issem inated orew erem easured by step heating m ass spectrom eter at th ree releas ing temperature in tervals 2 ~ 4 e , 4 ~ 8 e
and 8 ~ 12 e to obtain m ajor components and C-H-O isotop ic composition1 Four types of flu id w ere identified from the volatiles:
( 1) m etam orph ic fluid released from plag ioclase at 8 ~ 12 e temperature interva,l main ly composed ofH O, N + CO and CO ;