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第35 卷第3 期 安徽师范大学学报( 人文社会科学版) 200 年5 月 Vol. 35 l . 3 Journal of Anhui Normal University(H um . Soc. Sci. ) May 200 (清华大学 人文社会科学学院, 北京 100084) : ; ; ;; : 、、, , 、、, 。 , 。, 、, , 。 : K 245 : A : 100122435( 200 ) 032 030 2 18 Life Wor ld of Widows in T an g Dynasty ZH ANG Guo2gang ( School of H uma nit ies an d Social Sciences, T singhu a Univ er sity , Beij in g 100084, Chi2 na ) Key wor ds: epitaphs in the Tang Dynasty; Tang women; marit al life; widow life; remarriage Abstr act : Much mat erial about widows is seen in epitaphs, literary sket ches and archaeological documents, including the reason why widows lived alone, their economic and mental status, their relationship wit h their own families, and different reasons and results of widows remarriage. During the H an dynasty, women were st ill free to remarriage, however until the T ang Dynasty; most of the middle and upper stratum chose to live alone. T he reason goes back t o the Wei, Jin, Sui and early T ang dynasty when aristocrats adopted very special ceremonies and habit s according t o the moral requirements of Confucianism popular among roy2 alty and ordinary families, which reflects the dissemination of Confucianism culture in the whole societ y. 妇女因丧偶而 寡, 因离婚而改嫁, 或者结 从方法与取径而言, 研究历史上的婚嫁状 束寡居而再嫁, 都是日常生活中的平常事件, 它 况, 比之于调查现实中的同类问题, 难度要大得 在历史时期是否会有所变化? 假如有所变化, 那 多。现实生活中, 可以通过调查统计得出结论, 么究竟有什么样的变化? 这些是研究家庭史、妇 而中古历史文献中则鲜有统计资料。当时的妇女 女史和两性关系史的重要课题。一个时期以来, 究竟倾向于 贞节, 还是倾向于再婚嫁, 很难做 许多论著都认为, 唐代妇女贞节观念淡薄, 离婚 出统计学的说明。假如我们求助于列举事例, 那 ¹ 与再嫁不当回事, 此点迥异于后世; 但最近也


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