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( ) 200 8 8 JOU RNAL OF SOUTHW EST JIAOTONG UN IVER SITY A ug. 2008 9 4 ( Soc ia Sc iences) V o. 9 N o. 4 (西南交通大学 外国语学院, 四川成都 610031) : 阅读策略训练; 阅读策略训练方法; 阅读策略训练内容; 阅读策略受训者; 阅读策略训练者; 描述性 综述 : 阅读者对 进文本理解的阅读策略的掌握和使用情况是影响阅读者阅读能力的重要因素之一采 取描述性综述方法, 从阅读策略训练方法阅读策略训练内容阅读策略受训者因素和阅读策略训练者因素四个方 面就国外近十年阅读策略训练的研究概况进行介绍分析和评论, 可了解该领域未来的大致研究方向, 并且大量研 究已经证明: 以策略为导向的训练有助于提高学生的阅读水平 : H 319. 4 : A : 1009- 4474 ( 2008) 04 - 0087- 07 A R eview of O versea s R esea rch es on R eading S trategy In struction in the Pa st Ten Y ears ZENG X iang-m in (College of Foreign Languages, Southw estJiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) K ey words: read ing strategy instruction; m ethod o f read ing strategy instruct ion; conten t of read ing strategy instruct ion; tra iner of read ing strategy instruction; trainee of read ing strategy instruct ion; narrative rev iew Ab stract: T he g rasp and app ication of read ing strategy, w hich can enhance read ing com prehension, is one of the sign ificant facto rs that affect readerps reading ab i ity. T he paper conducts a narrative rev iew of overseas researches concern ing reading strategy instruction in the past ten years in term s of m ethod, content, trainer and trainee, prov ides necessary ana ysis and comm en ts and po ints out the rough d irect ions fo r further stud ies. T he great num ber o f researches has confirm ed the effectiveness of strategy-oriented instruct ion in mi prov ing the read ing ab i ity. , ( a strateg ic reader) ,


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