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基于云计算技术的地铁自动售检票系统研究* 雷定猷,贾 莉,王 娟,游 伟 (中南大学 交通运输工程学院,长沙 410004) 摘 要:针对地铁线网规模的不断扩大,原有地铁自动售检票系统出现建设成本高、资源利用率低、后期维护工作困难等问题,设计了一个基于云计算技术的地铁自动售检票系统(CAFC系统)。构建了系统的整体架构、物理拓扑结构、软件体系结构和云架构,精简了原有系统的架构、减少了系统容量、降低了系统投资。分析了系统各层次之间、系统与系统用户之间、系统与外部接口之间的业务逻辑关系。提出了基于防火墙、入侵检测系统、数据备份和PKI的系统安全解决方案。该系统能够完成地铁自动售检票和票务运营管理等功能,而且降低了投资成本、提高了资源利用率,为实现地铁低碳运营、绿色运营提供支持。 关键词:地铁;自动售检票系统;架构设计;业务逻辑;安全解决方案;云计算 中图分类号:U231+.92;TP302.1    文献标志码: A 文章编号: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3695 Design of Metro automatic fare collection system based on cloud computing technology LEI Ding-you, JIA Li, WANG Juan,YOU Wei (School of Traffic Transport Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410004, China) Abstract: With the constant expansion of metro network scale, the existing metro automatic fare collection system encounters severe challenges including, but not limited to, high construction cost, low resource utilization rates and complicated maintenance. To solve these problems, an absolutely new metro automatic fare collection system(CAFC system)is designed based on cloud computing technology. Firstly, the system framework, cloud architecture, physical topology and software system construction are established. Compared to the existing one, owing to its much more simple architecture, the new CAFC system performs excellently on the aspects of decreasing its capacity and lowering its investment. Then, the logic processes of all the business among certain hierarchy, as well as between system and the users, system and its external interfaces are analyzed. Finally, a security solution program is proposed concerning firewall, intrusion detection system, data backup and PKI. Besides the traditional function like fare collection automatically and ticketing management, the new CAFC system greatly lowers the investment cost and increases resource utilization rates simultaneously. It?could?be?believed?that?the?new?CAFC system?has?significant?meaning?to?low-carbon?operation?of metro. K



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