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12级禁毒一区三班 墨西哥毒情概况及禁毒政策 一 毒情概况 Mexico is second only to the worlds third largest source of opium in Afghanistan and myanmar. Mexican drug lingering haze began in the 1990 s.Brother at that time, in the Colombian government, domestic drug group had to Mexican drug trafficking organizations will be transported to the United States market, opens the Mexican organized crime mass into drugs, control the Pandoras box of drug supply chain. 墨西哥是仅次于阿富汗和缅甸的世界第三大鸦片来源地。墨西哥挥之不去的毒品阴霾始于上世纪90年代。那时,在哥伦比亚政府打击下,哥国内的毒品集团不得不通过墨西哥走私组织将毒品运送至美国市场,开启了墨西哥犯罪组织大规模进入毒品生意,控制毒品供应链的潘多拉魔盒。 Mexicos existing 3 million people smoking marijuana, cocaine, 1.7 million meth, the number of class a drug and up to 367000 people. 墨西哥国内现有300万人吸食大麻,170万人吸食可卡因,吸食冰毒类毒品的人数也达到36.7万人。近年来墨西哥国内毒品消费不断膨胀,现在墨国内毒品消费市场交易额已经超过87.8亿美元。而随着墨西哥贩毒集团的逐渐强大也让这座城市饱受了毒品,枪支,死亡的阴影。从2006年12月至今,墨西哥约有7万人死于与毒品相关的暴力案件。武装反抗政府的局面已经成为长久之事! In recent years, Mexicos drug consumption, expanding ink now domestic drug consumption market turnover has exceeded 8.78 billion dollars. As the Mexican drug cartels have strong also let the city by the drugs, guns, the shadow of death.Since December 2006, Mexico, about 70000 people died of drug-related violence.Armed rebellion against the governments situation has been for a long time. 近年来墨西哥国内毒品消费不断膨胀,现在墨国内毒品消费市场交易额已经超过87.8亿美元。而随着墨西哥贩毒集团的逐渐强大也让这座城市饱受了毒品,枪支,死亡的阴影。从2006年12月至今,墨西哥约有7万人死于与毒品相关的暴力案件。武装反抗政府的局面已经成为长久之事! And lie between the United States, is the food and clothing parents, the Mexican drug dealers are the drug users bring to the Mexican drug dealers are profits of $40 billion a year, and 40% of Mexican jobs and drug dealing with more or less. 而一墙之隔的美国,就是墨西哥毒贩们的“衣食父母”,那里的吸毒者给墨西哥毒贩们带来每年400亿美元的利润,并让40%的墨西哥人的饭碗和毒品交易或多或少沾上了关系。 on the other hand, the money is being used to purchase arms from the United States, Mexicos ambassador to the United States had estimated that every day from the United States to Mexico guns at about 2000. Drugs and



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