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大学生网络成瘾类型的现状调查及其与学习倦 怠的关系研究大学生网络成瘾类型的现状调查及其与学习倦 怠的关系研究
Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2015, 5(12), 859-867
Published Online December 2015 in Hans. /journal/ap
An Investigation on the Status Quo of the
Type of Internet Addiction and Its
Relationship with Learning Burnout
of University Students
Lihui Wang
Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing
th th th
Received: Dec. 13 , 2015; accepted: Dec. 25 , 2015; published: Dec. 30 , 2015
Copyright © 2015 by author and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The purpose of this study is to understand the present internet addiction situation of Chinese col-
lege students through the questionnaire and to explore the relationship between the type of in-
ternet addiction and learning burnout, and providing reference for domestic research on internet
addiction. This study used the method of two-stage stratified random sampling. 1202 students
from 7 colleges and universities in Henan Province were selected to fill the questionnaire. The
questionnaire includes university student questionnaire of Internet addiction types and the
learning burnout scale. Result: There were significant differences among the types of Internet ad-
diction in the proportion of gender and age. The network game addiction, the network interper-
sonal relationship addiction and the network information addiction questionnaire scores ques-
tionnaire scores were significantly different in gender, age, family source. The network game ad-
diction scores were significantly correlat
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