天高微 MT2482天高微 MT2482.pdf

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天高微 MT2482天高微 MT2482

MT2482 1.2M/600KHz, 18V,2A Synchronous Step-Down Converter FEATURES APPLICATIONS  High Efficiency: Up to 94%  Distributed Power Systems  1.2MHz/600KHz Frequency Operation  Digital Set Top Boxes  2A Output Current  Flat Panel Television and Monitors  No Schottky Diode Required  Wireless and DSL Modems  4.5V to 18V Input Voltage Range  Notebook Computer  Output Adjustable Down to 0.923V  Slope Compensated Current Mode Control for GENERAL DESCRIPTION Excellent Line and Load Transient Response  Integrated internal compensation The MT2482 is a fully integrated, high– efficiency 2A  Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Output synchronous rectified step-down converter. The Capacitors MT2482 operates at high efficiency over a wide output  Over Current Protection with Hiccup-Mode current load range.  Thermal Shutdown This device offers two operation modes, PWM control  Inrush Current Limit and Soft Start and PFM Mode switching control, which allows a high  Available in SOP8 Package efficiency over the wider range of the load.  -40°C to +85°C Temperature Range The MT2482 requires a minimum number of readily available standard external components and is available in an 8-pin SOIC ROHS compliant package. TYPICAL APPLICATION



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