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42 V o l. 42, Suppl. 200812 A t omic Ener gy Science and T echno logy Dec. 2008 张可丰, 谢永诚, 梁星筠, 杨仁安 ( , 200233 : , , , M 12 , , , , : ; ; ; : T L 353 : A : 1000693 1( 2008 S 1071506 Mechanics Performance of Typical DissimilarMaterial Threaded Fasteners Subjected to Preload and Cyclic Thermal Loads ZH A N G Kefeng, XIE Y ongcheng , LIA N G X ingy un , Y A N G Renan (S hang ha i N uclear E ng ineer ing R esearch and D es ig n I nst it ute, Shang hai 200233, Ch ina) Abstract: If t hreaded fasteners used in t he reactor interior are of dissimilarmaterial, consider able addit ional st ress may be induced when being heated due to t hermal ex pansion coef ficient diff erence between bolt material and flange mat erial. In t his paper, finit e element model of typical dissimilarmaterial threaded fastener M 12 w as built and analyzed by simulating cyclic thermal load condit ions in the react or interior . V arieties of parameters, such as def lections of the bolt and flange, stresses under various preloads, heating, and cooling condit ions, w ere researched t o provide reliable basis f or engineering design. Key words: t hreaded f ast eners w it h dissim ilarmat erial; addit ional st ress; cyclic t hermal loads ; f lexibility , , , , , , : : : ( 1980 , , , , , 716 42 , Table Dimensions of threaded fastener structure dn


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