教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs.pdf

教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs.pdf

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教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs教师说课稿:外研版英语 Book2 no drugs

TeachingExplanation TeachingExplanation TTeeaacchhiinnggEExxppllaannaattiioonn Book2 Module 2 Book2 Module 2 BBooookk22 MMoodduullee 22 No Drugs No Drugs NNoo DDrruuggss ReadingandVocabulary ReadingandVocabulary RReeaaddiinnggaannddVVooccaabbuullaarryy PartIAnalysisoftheteachingmaterial PartIAnalysisoftheteachingmaterial PPaarrttIIAAnnaallyyssiissoofftthheetteeaacchhiinnggmmaatteerriiaall The reading passage consists of two articles. Article 1 tells us the story of Adam Rouse. He told us how he got addicted to taking drugs and how he stopped. From article 2, we’ll know what cocaine is and how it does harm to people. Six activities are designed in this part. The students will learn more new words connected with drugs in activity 1. In activity 2, the opening paragraphs of two articles are given. First, let the students choose the topic for each article from the listed three topics. Following that is a word practice. In activity 4, the rest of the two articles are put in wrong order. Read them and tell which article they belong to. Then the students will do some true or false questions according to the text. The last activity is to complete questions and answers about Adam Rouse, who is the character in article 1. The teacher can check the students’ detail understanding about the first article. If time permits, the teacher may encourage the students to retell the story of Adam Rouse. Through the study of this part, the students can not only learn some information about drugs but



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