教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice)教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice).doc

教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice)教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice).doc

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教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice)教材优化全析(Unit19 The Merchant of Venice)

教材优化全析 JIAO CAI YOU HUA QUAN XI Warming up 1.The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 merchant [C] 商人(批发商人) a coal-merchant 煤商 a wine-merchant 酒商 2.Read the following quotations from different Shakespeare’s plays: 阅读下列摘自莎士比亚不同戏剧作品的句子: (1)“To be or not to be: that’s the question.” 活下去呢,还是一死了之,这是一个问题。 (2)“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” 位高心不宁。 (3)“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” 既不借债也不还账。 (4)“Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name…” 罗密欧,罗密欧,为什么你是罗密欧? 忘了你父亲,抛弃你的姓名吧。 (5)“Words, words, only words, no matter from the heart.” 总是花言巧语,不论是否真心。 Listening 1.In which city does the play take place? 这出戏发生在哪个城市? take place(事情)发生;举行(活动)。例如: The wedding took place yesterday. 昨天举行了婚礼。 The May Fourth Movement took place in 1919. 五四运动发生于1919年。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 我的家乡发生了很大的变化。 2.How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia? 巴萨尼奥需要多少钱才能娶鲍西娅? marry vt. vi. 娶;嫁;使……结婚。例如: He married young. 他早婚。 He married a classmate from high school. 他与高中时代的同班同学结婚了。 He married his daughter to a doctor. 他把他女儿嫁给了一位医生。 Is he married? 他结婚了吗? They have been married for 50 years. 他们已结婚50年了。 3.What must Antonio give Shylock if he can’t pay back the debt? 如果安东尼奥不能偿还债务,他必须要给夏洛克什么? pay back 偿还。例如: He paid back his debts. 他偿还了借款。 Can you lend me some money? I will pay you back tomorrow. 你能不能借给我一点钱?我明天就还你。 He paid me back 100 dollars. 他还给我100美元。 4.What’s their relation to the other characters in the play? 在戏剧里,他们跟其他人物是什么关系? relation [U] [C] 关系,关联;人际关系;亲戚。例如: We have business relations with the company. 我们公司与那家公司有业务关系。 Relations between the two countries are getting worse. 那两个国家之间的关系日益恶化。 Is he any relation to you? 他是你的亲戚吗? Speaking 1.Mercy and Revenge 宽恕与复仇 (1)mercy [U] 宽恕,怜悯;[C] 幸运。例如: have m


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