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Grammar Lesson! 数词 句子结构成分 Ⅰ.review give some examples about determiner the difference between many much, few little, a few a little, some any translation exercises: 我对他一无所知。 我想喝点水。我不想喝水。你想喝点水吗? Give examples on verb +preposition , be+adj.+ preposition, preposition + n.\pronoun Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.1 cardinal number(基数词) the formation of cardinal numbers attention: 1. 万:ten thousand, 十万:one hundred thousand,百万:one million,千万:ten million,亿:one hundred million,十亿: billion 2. 400, 5000, 3百万(hundred, thousand, million, billion不加复数) 3. hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of, hundreds of thousands of Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.2 ordinal numbers(序数词) the formation: 1. 1-first, 2-second, 3-third, 5-fifth, 8-eighth, 9-ninth 2. 20-twentieth, 30,40,50, etc. 变y为i 加 eth. 3. +th attention: 序数词作定语时,前面一般要加定冠词the 或物主代词。 eg. I am the first student to get to school. Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.3 percentage(百分数) formation number+per cent( percent) eg: 10%--10 percent attention: 百分数前不加定冠词; 百分数不加复数 increase/reduce + by/to 20% eg. Price was reduced by 20%. 价格降低了20% price was reduced to 20%. 价格下降到20% Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.4 fraction(分数) formation: 基数词/序数词 eg. ?=three fourths attention: 1. 除分子是一外,序数词都为复数 three fifths, 2. 有无连字符都应为复数 three-fifths; three fifths 3. ?= one second, one (a) half; ?=one fourth, one (a) quarter; ?= three fourths, three quarters; 2 ? = two and three quarters. Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.5 decimal(小数) ( . )的读法:point (0)的读法:zero、nought 小数点后部分按照基数词顺序读出 point 无复数,3.1= three point one 806.07: eight hundred and six point o\ zero\ nought seven Ⅱ. 数词 number 2.6 times formation: 1. be 5 times the size (height, weight, amount) of… 是..大小的5倍. eg: His apple is 5 times the size of hers. 2. be 5 times greater (adj. 的比较级) than … 比…大5倍 eg: His b



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