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Advances in Environmental Protection 环境保护前沿, 2014, 4, 173-179 Published Online October 2014 in Hans. /journal/aep /10.12677/aep.2014.45024 Questionnaire Survey about the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in Xindi Canal * Yaqin Zhang, Zhen Li, Ying Feng , Wei Xu, Shuo Guan, Yimo Yang, Liang Zhou, Dongdong Xie Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University, Wuhan * Email: YingF1013@ th nd th Received: Aug. 4 , 2014; revised: Sep. 2 , 2014; accepted: Sep. 10 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract In this paper, combining with the local questionnaire results and related survey data, the main causes of water pollution of the canal were analyzed, and we proposed some suggestions about the improvement of water quality based on them. The results showed that the reasons of pollution in- clude: excessive barrier net aquiculture; a large amount of chemical fertilizers without being used by crops flowing into the canal along with surface runoff; garbage pollution brought by the tour- ism industry and the lack of environmental protection awareness of residents. Xindi Canal is an important canal that connects the Yangtze River and Honghu Lake, so the water pollution control of the canal water has important implications for water pollution control of Yangtze River. Keywords Xindi Canal, Water Pollution, Investigation, Treatment Advises 新堤干渠水污染防治调查分析 * 张雅钦,李 珍,封 瑛 ,许 巍,管 硕,杨伊默,周 亮,谢冬冬


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