新概念青少版3Bunit 20新概念青少版3Bunit 20.ppt

新概念青少版3Bunit 20新概念青少版3Bunit 20.ppt

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新概念青少版3Bunit 20新概念青少版3Bunit 20

Welcome to Olivias class Global IELTS International School 3B Unit20 There’s always a first time Lesson 39-40 doorbell n. 门铃 我再次按下了门铃 I rang the doorbell again. ring-rang-rung bell n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声 answer (1)v/n. 回答 I knocked at the front door and there was no answer. 我敲了前门,没有应答。 answer the door 应答 Just answer the question. 只回答这个问题。 invite in v. +adv. 邀请进屋 快去告诉他们我回来了,请他们进来! Go tell them I am home and invite them in! Invite v.邀请 I invite you to read. 我邀请你去阅读。 reply v. /n.回复,答复 他从来都不回信。 He never replied to the letters. She leave for Beijing yesterday. But her reply was new to me. 但是她的回复对我来说是新鲜的。 wedding n. 婚礼 home movie n. 记录家庭活动的电影 movie n. 电影;电影院;电影业 film n.电影 fall asleep 睡着,入睡 fall vi. 落下;变成; n. 下降;秋天;瀑布 asleep adj. 睡着的;adv. 熟睡地;进入睡眠状态 过去式 fell 过去分词 fallen 现在分词 falling Sometimes I fall asleep here, he said. 他说“有时我会在哪儿睡着。” Listen to the recording and then answer the question: What is Alan going to do for his cousin? I had just got home the other night , when my cousin rang the doorbell. 过去完成时 结构:主语+had+动词过去分词 概念:发生在过去的过去(见课文注释一) 动作一:had got home 动作二:rang the door bell 这两个动作都发生在过去, 先进行的动作(回家)用过去完成时, 后进行的动作用过去时(按门铃) But I had just parked the car outside I didn’t answer the door 动作二:didn’t answer the door 动作一:had parked the car Perhaps he had seen me. 动作三:had seen me I’m getting married in April. 什么时态? 用现在进行时,表示已经安排好的将要做的事情。 Be +doing(动词ing ) We had already had two cups of tea, when she said, “I’d like to have a film of my wedding. Already 放在had 与过去分词之间 would like to do something. 表示希望做某事 Id like to =I would like to adv. 已经,早已;先前 Would like something 想要某事 找出文中含有过去完成时的句子 现在完成时与过去完成时的区别 Homework 1完成unit20 一课一练 2抄写生词 中文一遍,英文两遍 3听录音至少15遍,熟读课文,注意模仿语音语调 4背诵本篇课文及单词,下次默写单词及词组


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