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Welcome to my hometown--- This speech includes Two Part: The Xiaochang County The Guanyin Lake(观音湖) In the north of jianghan plain, there is an old and young county-XiaoChang county 在江汉平原北部,有一个古老而年轻的县城——孝昌县 Its first built in 454 AD liu song period of the southern dynasty, with a history of 1500 years.(说她古老,因为它始建于公元454年的南朝刘宋时期,已有1500年的历史) Until on 1993, with the approval of the state council, XiaoChang begin to set new county organizational system.Now the county is in the development period ,just like the morning sun.(直到公元1993年,经国务院批准,孝昌重新设县建制) video Maybe you think my county is not so prosperity,but she is famous for its culture of filial piety,the traditional custom of piety pass from generation to generation, which matchs the diligent and clever people of there.All of this reflects the culture of filial piety is infinitely profound and modern Xiaochang has endless charm. (因孝而名的孝昌,行孝的良好风尚薪火相传,久盛不衰,同这里的人杰地灵交相辉映,折射出孝文化无穷的深厚底蕴和现代孝昌的无穷魅力。) The most famous attractions in my hometown ----Guanyin lake I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here This is a beautiful, quiet county where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the water. About the lake Location:Guanyin Lake eco-tourism zone belongs to the provincial tourism resort area ,with 118 square kilometers, located in the northeast of Hubei Province. Pleasant climate………… Climate:Guanyin Lake eco-tourism zone belongs to the sub-tropical continental monsoon climate, it characterized by sufficient illumination, with clear-defined four seasons, a long frost-free period. Aboundant cultural tourism resources…… 人文旅游资源 隋唐好汉王伯当占山为王的“为王寨”; 南阳王伍云昭跳崖出家处的“舍崖”; 新四军五师师长李先念、政委陈少敏等率部创建的大悟山、小悟山抗日指挥中心和革命根据地; 有抗大十分校,新四军被服厂,刘震将军故居; 还有古色古香的环西街、历史悠久的观山禅寺等景观 Farm house(农家山庄):you can liv


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