最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种.pdf

最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种.pdf

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最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种最终幻想维度攻略之 融合技列表 _全49种

终幻想维度 融合技列表 (全49 种) - - 我终于完成了 FFD 融合技的 「中文版」完整列表!算了一下正确数量应该是 49 种没错,由于 Final Fantasy Dimensions 的中文攻略真的太少了,对于融合技的习得与了解,应该是很多玩家很想知道的吧! 所以为了这个表花了不少时间去测试与研究,相信对于 FFD 的玩家在游戏攻略中一定有很大的帮助。 - (I m from Taiwan, and I m sorry about my poor English. I hope you guys can understand what I translated.) - Finally I finished the complete list of FFD s F-Abilities (Fusion Abilities), and the list is in Chinese and English. I counted that is 49 kinds of F-Ability. Because the graphic guide of Final Fantasy Dimensions is too few, especially in Chinese and English language. I think most people want to know about how to acquire those F-Abilities. So I spent so much time in testing and researching it. I do believe this will be great helpful to everybody. - 各种融合技所出现的效果与数值,当然就会依随着主 的个人数据而改变,其实学到之后自己再测试就好 了,我不知道还有没有动力去截图把每一个融合技写得更详细XDDDD - The effect and stats of every F-Ability is changeable by character s personal stats. Actually you can try it when you acquired some. I have no idea if I will write down more details of every F-Ability in the future. - 另外就是,如果你已经装好了必要的两种技能,但是一直使用两种技能都没出现融合技的话,也不要起度 烂XD ,因为这真的是机率问题而已,大部份的融合技多半使用必要的其中的一种技能,大概 3 ~ 5 次通 常都会出现的。( 但是我有遇过 10 几次还不出现的…. 晕倒XDDDD ) - And if you have already equipped two necessary skills, and never acquired the F-Ability, don t give up because of the probability. Generally you can use only one of the necessary skills in 3 to 5 times, and then the F-Ability will be acquired. (But I hadn t acquired some one in more than 10 times ….do you believe that?) - 本篇如要转载,请附上本篇连结并注明出处,谢谢! For reposted elsewhere, please indicate the source, and attach this link, thank you! 备注: 1. 序号的顺序基本上大致是依照剧情的发展进度排序的,如果你发现无法取得必要技能,应该就是你进度 还没到,后面应该都 以学到,只是很花时间而已….XDDDD 2. 初始技:表示该职业一开始就能使用的特殊技能,或是达到 JLV 1 即 习得。 3. 职业技:表示转换到该职业后预设的能力,如果要装在其他职业,就要提升 JLV 才能习得。 4. 光与暗之战士会合后,两边都 以使用所有召唤魔法,所以有些共同的要后期才能学到。 - Note: 1. The No. order is basically by the Chapters. If you can t obtain some necessary skills, ma



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