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ISSUE 2 APR. 2014 / JOURNAL OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS IN WEST CHINA / 020 步行化的概念与实践* ——城市中心步行化发展历程的时空双维度分析 Definition and Practice of Pedestrianization —Time-spatial Analysis of Developing Process of Pedestrianization in Downtown Area 赵启东 魏皓严 ZHAO Qidong, WEI Haoyan 摘 要 步行化作为当前城市发展理念中一 合的理念渗透进入城市的经济、交通与社会发展,而非单纯的一种空间组织策略。 个逐渐受到关注的概念与话题,呈现出来的 关键词 步行化;城市中心;概念与实践;时空双维度 理论归属与实践类型却是多元化的。文章将 Abstract: Pedestrianization is at present a definition and topic attracting great attention, 尝试厘清步行化相关概念的发展脉络和特 while the theory and practice it belongs to is diverse. This paper tries to clarify the process 征,为城市步行化及相关步行空间环境的发 and characteristics of development of pedestrianization, and provide clearer references 展提供较为清晰的概念参考依据。该文将主 for development of pedestrianization and pedestrian environment in urban area. It mainly 要采用时空双维度的比较分析方式,在时间 adopts the method of time-spatial (T-S) comparative analysis. In T-dimension, the process 维度上,纵向梳理步行化概念在各个时期 of development of pedestrianization in different period is checked. And in S-dimension, 的发展特征;横向上选取德美两国城市中心 it chooses pedestrianization in German and US as samples to compare differences of 步行区作为研究案例,比较步行化在不同地 performance and mechanism of pedestrianization in different areas. It’s found that development 区的表现形式以及背后的机制动因。研究发 of pedestrianization has experienced two transformations in history, both taking place in 现,步行化的历史发展经历了两次主要的概 characters of property and spatial, consisting of two binary relationship of exclusive-public 念特征转型,两次转向均发生在步行化的属 and indoor-outdoor. Meanwhile, in comparison analysis, transformation in property is 性特征和空间特征,由专属化—公共化、室 more important than in spatial. Pedestrianization, as a defi


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