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雇儿子当司机的缘由 Carl: Let’s get a taxi. 卡尔:咱们叫一辆出租车吧。 Doris: There’s no need. I’ve already ordered a car. 桃瑞丝:没有必要。我已经预定了一辆车了。 Carl: A limo? That’s too expensive. 卡尔:一辆豪华轿车?有点太奢侈了。 pod161128.png Doris: No, I’m using a ridesharing service. It’s cheaper than a taxi. There’s no meter and we pay a set price. 桃瑞丝:不是的,我用的是拼车服务。比出租车划算。而且没有计价器,我们只需要支付固定的价格。 Carl: But how do we know it’s safe? How do we know the driver isn’t a criminal or an unsafe driver? Is he going to have car insurance? Do they do background checks? 卡尔:但是如何知道这种车安不安全?怎么知道司机不是罪犯或者黑司机?司机有汽车保险吗?司机的背景考核合格吗? Doris: Even though it’s a peer-to-peer service, the drivers are carefully screened and the cars are tracked. Trust me. This ride will be safe. 桃瑞丝:虽然这是对等服务,但是司机也都经过仔细的审核,车辆也都有卫星定位。相信我。这辆车一定安全。 Carl: We don’t have much cash on us. 卡尔:可我们没带太多现金。 Doris: I have a credit card on file. No cash will change hands. Look, here’s our driver. Hello, Michael. 桃瑞丝:我有存档的信用卡。不涉及现金往来。看,咱们的司机到了。你好,迈克尔。 Carl: You know our driver? 卡尔:你认识司机? Doris: He’s my son. 桃瑞丝:这是我儿子。 Carl: But why are you paying for a ride if your son is available to pick us up? 卡尔:既然你儿子有空来接我们,为什么你还要付钱给他? Doris: He has his pride. He won’t take any money from me so we came up with a compromise: I hire his car whenever I need a ride to or from the airport. It works for us and there’s a bonus. 桃瑞丝:他有自己的原则。他不愿意白拿我的钱,所以我们想出了这一办法:无论何时有搭车的需求或者从机场返家,我会雇他的车。这对我们都好而且还有一个好处。 Carl: What’s that? 卡尔:什么好处? Doris: I get to see my son every time I travel. 桃瑞丝:每次出门我都可以看到儿子。 Carl: That seems like a strange arrangement. 卡尔:这一安排听着怪怪的。 Doris: That may be so, but if you can’t get your son to visit more often, what’s a mother to do? 桃瑞丝:可能吧,但是如果儿子经常不去看望你,作为母亲,你能怎么办? 1.set price 预定价格;固定价格 例句:Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price. 投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。 2.came up with 提出 例句:I came up with this dumb idea. 我想出了这个馊主意。 3.pick up 捡起;接(某人) 例句:Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office. 罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕。 4.peer-to-peer 对等的 例句:This is the nature of peer-to-peer and network


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