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国外营销论文精品Dependenced, trust and relational behavior
Kelly Hewett William O. Bearden
Dependence, Trust, and Relational
Behavior on the Part of Foreign
Subsidiary Marketing Operations:
Implications for Managing Global
Marketing Operations
The authors explore how a global firms ability to foster successful relationships between its foreign subsidiaries
and headquarters marketing operations can enhance the performance of products across markets. The results
show that cooperative behaviors are positively associated with product performance in the subsidiaries markets.
National culture in the foreign markets is also found to moderate the effect of trust on relational behaviors. In addi-
tion, the subsidiaries acquiescence becomes increasingly important as the firm attempts to standardize marketing
n todays global marketplace , it is increasingly likely that headquarters (Bla u 1964; La Valle 1994; Makoba 1993;
firms have a presence in more than one national market . Morgan and Hunt 1994).
Achieving .success in the different markets in whic h the Research examining the interface between the headquar-
fir m operates is largely dependent on the firms ability to ters and foreign subsidiarys marketing operations continues
manage its marketing activities on a global basis, [n partic- to suggest the importance of these relationships. Recent stud-
ular, the abilities of the managers at the marketing opera- ies have focused more generally on the issues of power and
tions i n the individua l foreig n markets , as wel l as tbeir will - control over foreign subsidiaries (see Nobel and Birkinshaw
ingness to wor k in eonjunetio n wit
- 国外营销论文09Nelson_1991_SMJ.pdf
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- 国外营销论文09Winter_2003_SMJ.pdf
- 国外营销论文94Wernerfelt_1984_SMJ.pdf
- 国外营销论文94Pfeffer_1993_AMR.pdf
- 国外营销论文93Prahalad_Bettis_1986_SMJ.pdf
- 国外营销论文95Miller_1986_SMJ.pdf