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Cognitive Therapy Thoughts drive emotion Restoring rationality/realism Highly effective An acquired skill Avoiding the 3 M’s… Magnifying (exaggerating) Permanent and Pervasive (over-generalizing) All-or-nothing thinking Minimizing (underplaying) Tunnel vision Dismissal of positive or negative Making up (fabricating) Personalization or blame Emotional reasoning Get Real! Is my conclusion tied to reality? Is my conclusion rational? Am I ignoring something important? What important evidence do I still need to take into consideration? What am I magnifying? What am I minimizing? Am I ignoring anything that is going well? Am I ignoring anything that is not going well? What is the big picture? Extremely Happy People (Diener and Seligman, 2002) Everyone experiences negative emotions Different cognitive interpretations (pessimists vs. optimists) Self-fulfilling prophecies Spiraling down or up Ayres, J. Hopf, T. (1992). Visualization: Reducing Speech Anxiety and Enhancing Performance. Communication Reports, 5, 1-10. Bandura, A. (1999). Perceived Self-Efficacy in Cognitive Development and Functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28 (2), 117-148. Benson, H. (1997). Timeless Healing. Scribner. Burns, D. (1999). Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy. Avon. Langer, E. (1989). Mindfulness. Addison-Wesley. Leahy, R. L. (2003). Cognitive Therapy Techniques: A Practitioner’s Guide. Guilford Publication. White, S. S. Locke, E. A. (2000). Problems with the Pygmalion Effect and Some Proposed Solutions. Leadership Quarterly, 11, 389-415. Rosenthal, R., and Jacobson, L. (1968). Pygmalion in the Classroom. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Selgiman, M. (1998). Learned Optimism : How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. Free Press. Bibliography and Recommendations * Beliefs asSelf-Fulfilling Prophecies Roger Bannister Outline Beliefs shape reality How it works Optimizing optimism Raising our beliefs We are what we think.All that we are arises with our thoughts.With our
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