
3ds Max and mental ray实现建筑可视化技术.doc

3ds Max and mental ray实现建筑可视化技术.doc

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3ds Max and mental ray实现建筑可视化技术

中文名:?3ds Max and mental ray实现建筑可视化技术 英文名:?Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray 版本:?(1st edition)PDF 发行时间:?2007年04月15日 地区:?美国 对白语言:?英语 简介:? 书名: Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray 作者: Roger Cusson (Author), Jamie Cardoso (Author) 页数: 330 pages 出版: Focal Press; 1st edition (April 15, 2007) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0240809122 ISBN-13: 978-0240809120 /exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0240809122/ Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray ——《3ds Max and mental ray建筑可视化技术》,电子书。3ds Max 指令工具集为你带来新现实主义可视化效果.三步教程指南诠释了内部和外部,日间和夜间的照明场景.mental ray被当作一种简单容易描述的工具和流程,可以学习到渲染的运用材料,照明设备和优化设置技巧. 此书不仅阐述了如何使用mental ray进行渲染,创建高级特效的操作过程,以及大量的专业级技巧,而且综合地介绍了mental ray 软件的场景描述语言和标准着色库,它们是书中所有实例的基础。 渲染是一种被用于产生3D动画、游戏以及CAD的真实感图像的关键软件技术。随着对3D计算机图形图像应用需求的飞速增长,对于在该领域的专业人才和高级培训的需求也相应增长迅速。 mental ray?一直被世界上从事设计和动画制作的专业人员视为首选的高端3D渲染软件。这个曾经荣获“学院奖”的软件,作为一个高端的渲染插件,被嵌入到许多先进的数字内容创作的软件包中(如:Autodesk Maya?, Autodesk 3ds Max? and Softimage? | XSI?)以及各种CAD的软件产品中。超过150部的电影在制作过程中使用了mental ray,而且世界上许多著名的电影工作室围绕着mental ray构建了他们的制作系统。 Book Description Bring new realism to your visualizations with a command of the 3ds Max toolset. Three step-by-step tutorials demonstrate exterior and interior, day and night lighting scenes. You learn the nuts and bolts of importing models from CAD programs, lighting, applying mr shaders and materials, and optimizing your renders. Mental ray is made simple with an accessible description of its tools. * Color reproductions illustrate a wide array of subtle techniques. * mental ray is made easy with accesible demonstations. * Companion CD contains all of the project files. From the Back Cover Bring new realism to your visualizations with a command of the mental ray toolset in 3ds Max. mental ray is made simple with an accessible description of its tools and workflows. You can learn the nuts and bolts of applying materials, lighting, and optimizing your renders. Step-by-step tutorials lavishly illu


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