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getting to know a real China 中英文
主席先生,各位同事:Mr. President,Dear Colleagues,中国是联合国大家庭中的一员,中国的发展变化受到国际社会的高度关注。我愿就如何认识一个真实的中国,谈谈我的看法。China is a member of the big family of the United Nations, and Chinas development and changes have attracted worldwide attention. I wish to take this opportunity to share with you my observations on how one should get to know the real China.中华人民共和国成立以来,特别是改革开放30多年来,中国这个古老的东方大国发生了翻天覆地的变化。国家经济实力和综合国力大为增强,人民生活显著改善,社会文明程度大幅提升,国际交流与合作不断扩大。中国已经实现了由解决温饱到总体上达到小康的历史性跨越。Since the founding of the Peoples Republic, and especially since the start of reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, profound changes have taken place in China, a big, ancient country in the East. Its economic and overall national strength has substantially increased. The livelihood of its people has markedly improved. Its social and cultural programs have made considerable progress. And its exchanges and cooperation with the outside world have kept expanding. In sum, my country has made a historic leap from mere subsistence to moderate prosperity.中国对自己通过艰苦奋斗而取得的成就感到自豪。同时,我们对今天中国在世界上的位置和作用,也有着清醒的认识。We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts. At the same time, we are clear-headed about our place and role in todays world.中国国内生产总值位居世界第三,但人均水平较低,只相当于发达国家的十分之一左右。中国经济已保持30多年的快速增长,但进一步发展受到能源、资源和 环境的制约。中国若干重要产品产量位居世界前列,但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端。中国已经成为国际贸易大国,但出口产品技术含量和附加值低,核心技术仍 然大量依赖进口。中国沿海地区和一些大中城市呈现出现代化的繁荣,但中西部和广大农村的不少地方仍然相当落后,还有1.5亿人口生活在联合国设定的贫困线 之下。中国民生有了很大改善,但社会保障体系不健全,就业压力很大。中国社会政治生活日趋活跃,公民基本权利得到较好的维护,但民主法制还不够健全,社会 不公和贪污腐败等问题依然存在。Chinas GDP is the third largest in the world, but in per capita terms, it is only one-tenth of that of developed countries. China has enjoyed over 30 years of fast growth, but its further development faces energy, resources and environmental constraints. China is a leading producer of many important products, but it remains at the lower end of the global industrial chain. China is a big trading nation, but its exports are low in technology content
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