中国在桩基础分析中的必威体育精装版进展(全英)Recent advances in the analysis of pile foundation.docx

中国在桩基础分析中的必威体育精装版进展(全英)Recent advances in the analysis of pile foundation.docx

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中国在桩基础分析中的必威体育精装版进展(全英)Recent advances in the analysis of pile foundation

Advances in Deep Foundations – Kikuchi, Otani, Kimura Morikawa (eds)? 2007 Taylor Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-43629-8Recent advances in the analysis of pile foundation in ChinaM. Huang, F. Liang Z. LiDepartment of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, ChinaABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to give a brief review of recent advances in the analysis of file foundation practiced in China. Emphasis is given to the analysis methods for composite piled raft with cushion and pile responses due to tunneling. In particular, an integral equation approach is discussed first to analyze the problems of composite piled raft with cushion, followed by an introduction of a simple analytical two-stage method for evaluating the pile responses due to tunneling. Numerical examples have demonstrated the per- formance of the proposed analytical methods. Such analytical approaches are quite efficient for the engineering computation, and provide a useful tool for engineers due to its simplicity.INTRODUCTIONSince the reform and open policy was carried out in the late 1970s, China has been in strong economic growth continuously. Especially, in the 21st century, based on the rapid economic growth for the past twenty years, Beijing will host the next Olympic Games in 2008 and Shanghai will host the World Expo in 2010. Recently, rapid construction in China has provided great oppor- tunities for geotechnical engineers to use their knowl- edge and talents to solve many challenging problems involving foundations, ground improvement, excava- tions, and tunnels with innovative technologies.As the buildings become more and more high, con- sequently, load transmitted to the foundation also become heavier. The design of foundation becomes more complex and important. To bear the heavy load or control the settlement of foundation, it is customary to consider first the use of shallow foundation such as a strip foundation or a raft foundation, which was pos- sibly combined


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