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ACQUA Acoustic Testfor CTA MTK WCP_wang xuecheng Outline: 1.准备材料 2.Spec介绍 3.仪器设备介绍 4.测试方法 5.测试经验分享 准备资料 准备资料 1.音频测试采用连接方式 有两个选择RF和 DAI,我们现在CTA测试时用的是RF方式连接 2.耳承(音频) 有三个选择TYPE1、TYPE3.2,我们现在过CTA都用的是TYPE1 Spec介绍 设备介绍 (Use CMU200) Acoustic chamber Instrument Description: CMU200: Radio communication tester.无线通信测试仪 MFE VI: Measurement frontend. MFE IV forms the connecting link between data acquisition via the artificial mouth/ear and digital speech quality analysis with ACQUA. 测量前端 MFE IV形成通过仿真嘴和仿真耳采集数据及用ACQUA进行数 字语音质量分析的联结 HMA IV: HEAD Mouth Amplifier. It is used as an extension of MFE VI to control the artificial mouth. 用于扩展MFE VI 来控制仿真嘴 HLC I: (CMD55 use only) HLC I is a bi-directional stereo interface for matching the input and output levels of the unbalanced connectors of the HEAD acoustics measurement frontend MFE VI and the radio communication tasters CMD55 or CMU200. HLC I是一个双向立体声接口用于匹配测量前端 MFE IV和无线通信测试仪的不平衡连接的输入和输出层。 ACQUA Acoustic Test _Using CMU200 Power on Step: 1.Open the power of CMU200 ,MFEⅥ and HMA Ⅳ 2. Check the lock is connected 3.Open software HEAD ACQUA 4. Check the MFE setting Using GSM11R10 Basic 8 test items in ACQUA(2/2) 3、具体测试方法---META (Version 5.6) Fine tuning in META RFR tuning flow block Load All-Pass Parameters to NVRAM Load All-Pass Parameters to NVRAM Load All-Pass Parameters to NVRAM 修改好参数后,关闭界面,注意,拔掉手机是一定要先用鼠标点击上面红色地方(Reconnect)让左边黄色圈圈变红,才能拔掉手机,如下图 ACQUA 测试 1.选择测试结果 2.选择file type 3.保存结果 4.不存成功后显示保存的位置 ACQUA 测试 删除上面多于的部分(红色标注部分) ACQUA 测试 把第一列修改为整数 ACQUA 测试 Svae as “txt ”文档 FIR Tuning 重新连接meta 进入audio里面,点击红色部分进行调试 FIR Tuning FIR Tuning Change the value to 1 will increase the sound volume Load the Parameter to NVRAM Volume Setting Microphone Volume Setting Speech Tone Volume Setting SideTone For example If the SLR is 14dB, test item will fail because the spec. is 8+/-3dB. We decrease 6dB to let SLR down to 8dB, so there are 2steps and we will increase 32 at the Microphone. The rode is: en
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