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第 17 卷 第 4 期 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol 17 , No4 2005 年 4 月 JOURNAL OF COMPU TERAIDED DESIGN COMPU TER GRAPHICS Apr , 2005   STL 文件错误的修复算法研究 周华民  成学文  刘  芬  李德群 (华中科技大学塑性成形模拟及模具技术国家重点实验室 武汉 430074) (hmzhou @263 net) 摘 要  为了修复使用 STL 文件时产生的一些错误 ,首先根据错误的特点进行分类 , 以边的检查作为 STL 文件错 误检查的基础 ,通过建立错误面片、边和顶点数组来实现错误记录 ,采用错误描述图来构造错误元素的拓扑关系 考 虑到不同错误的特点 ,建立了合并顶点 →空洞修复 →裂缝修复 →删除多余 →重叠修复 →错误刷新的基本修复步骤 开发了专用的 STL 文件修复工具 ,并通过实例验证了该算法 关键词  STL 文件 ;错误修复 ;错误分类 ;错误描述图 中图法分类号 TH164 ; TP3917 Research on Repair Algorithms for STL Files Zhou Huamin  Cheng Xuewen  Liu Fen  Li Dequn ( State Key L aboratory of Plastic Formi ng Si m ulation and Mol d Die Technology , Huaz hong U niversity of Science and Technology , W uhan   430074) Abstract   STL files are widely used in many needing 3D models fields The main problem of STL files is their various errors In order to repair them , the errors are classified by their characteristics first Then the check of sides is employed as the base for STL files errors check , and the checked errors are recorded in ar rays of error facets , sides and points , using an errors descriptive graph to represent the topolo gy of checked error elements In taking account of the characteristics of different errors , we propose a basic repair process , stepbystep ordered by points unitization →holes repair →cracks repair →redundance deletion →overlap repair →errors refresh Finally , a corresponding repair tool is developed , and verified by an example Key words  STL files ;errors repair ;errors classification ;errors descriptive graph



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