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33 11 V o.l 33, . 11 2006 11 A pp lied Science and T echno logy N ov. 2006 : 1009- 671X ( 2006 11- 0015- 04 YAFFS L INUX 1 1 2 1 , , , ( 1. , 15000 1; 2. , 15000 1 : YAFFS( y et ano ther flash file system NAND F lash . NAND F lash , NAN D F lash , . YAFFS NAND F lash . , NAND . YAFFS, L inuxuC linux W indow s CE . YA FF S L inux, . : L inux; ; NAND ; : T P311. 54 : A Porting YAFFS file system to embedded linux 1 1 2 1 ZENG Jun- cai, ZHANG J ia- tai, XU Zh i-yong , HU M ing-m ao ( 1. Co lleg e of M echan ica l and E lectr ica l Eng inee ring, H a rbin Eng inee ring U n iversity, H arb in 15000 1, China; 2. Co llege o f A utom a- tion, H arb in Eng ineer ing U n iversity, H arb in 150001, China Abs tract: So far, YA FFS( yet another flash file system is the un ique file system specif ically designed for NAND flash. YAFFS is thu s designed not on ly to adapt to the fea tures of NAND f lash, but a lso to better use the advantages of NAND F lash to reach best perform ance. It u ses log structure, error check ing correct ion and techn ique to mi prove NAND F lash s robu stness. The advent of YAFFS m akes the low cost NAND chip effect ive and robu st. YAFFS is [ 1] high ly portable and can run on L inux, uC linux, andW indow s CE . T his paper d iscusses the transp lant o f YAFFS in the em bedded L inux in detail. K eyword s: embedded L inux; YA FFS f ile system; NAND flash; MTD; port ing



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