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VB图书馆信息管理系统全套 图书信息服务促进了信息的传播,利用及再生产的增殖能力,人们掌握了信息,使之转变为技术,成为作用于社会经济的生产力,促进了社会经济的发展,这就是信息管理服务的价值体现。为了能最大限度地发挥信息的效能,就离不开对信息的加工整理,离不开对信息的管理服务。因此,图书室的信息服务已成为21世纪的主导发展机制之一。图书馆信息管理系统开发的总体目的是在图书馆信息管理中实现管理的系统化、自动化,减少工作量,增加效率及可靠性。本系统是基于大丰市图书馆作为调研对象进行总体设计和开发的。 本系统以中文版Visual Basic 6.0为前台开发工具,用ACCESS作为后台数据库。Visual Basic 6.0,它是由美国微软公司推出的小型数据库开发语言,由于其使用方便,硬件要求不高,易学等特点,它还提供强有力的应用程序开发工具,为将来的维护提供必要的基础。系统的操作对人员的素质的要求不高,只需对他们稍加培训便能胜任。 【关键字】信息服务 图书馆 Visual Basic 6.0 Abstract Library information services for the dissemination of information, use and reproduction of proliferation, people had the information to make it into a technology and the role in the socio-economic productivity, promoting the socio-economic development, and this is the information management services valued. In order to maximize the effectiveness of their information, it is essential for the process by the information is essential for the management of information services. Therefore, library information services have become the 21st century one of the leading development mechanism. Library Information Management System is the overall purpose of the library information management to achieve the systematic management, automation, reduce the workload, and increase efficiency and reliability. The system is based on the Deafen City Library as a research object for design and development. Of the system to the Chinese version of Visual Basic 6.0 development tools for the future. using SQL Server 2000 database as background. Visual Basic 6.0, which is launched by the United States Small Microsoft database development language, Because of its convenience, hardware, features easy to learn, it provides a powerful application development tools, To safeguard the future provide the necessary infrastructure. Operation of the system on the quality of the modest, they only need a little training to become competent. Keyword : Information services Library Visual Basic 6.0 目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 1 第一章 绪 论 4 1.1 项目开发背景 4 1.2 项目开发的目标 4


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