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SHANDONGUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计说明书 直流纯电动车控制器的设计 学 院: 电气与电子工程学院 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名 孙明旺 _____________ 学 号: 12110401046_________ 指导教师: 孙 凯 _________ 2016 年 6 月 摘要 汽车是现代社会的重要交通工具,它在为人类提供便利的同时也带来了严重的环境污染和能源短缺问题。电动汽车由于其所用能源的清洁性和能源来源的广泛性而越来越受到重视。其中,低速电动汽车由于成本低、易于驾驶等优点有很好的市场前景。 直流电机以其起动转矩大、控制简单、调速性能优越等优点在低速电动车驱动电机市场中占主导地位。而他励直流电机具有控制灵活、易于弱磁等特点,因而更受市场的青睐。当前,电动车用他励直流电机的控制器产品种类较多,但一般存在着如下问题:控制器系统效率不高,电动车续航里程较短;控制器可靠性较差,如经常性的电机过热烧坏、主开关器件损坏以及主接触器粘连等。此外,控制器在爬坡能力、励磁电流的鲁棒性等方面也有待进一步完善。 本论文简单阐述了电动汽车的发展历史,背景,意义以及关键技术和发展现状等。鉴于电动汽车控制系统的复杂性以及综合考虑各方面的因素,电动汽车的主控制器选用DSP。在电动汽车控制系统研究设计中,就是完成硬件电路设计,以及控制三相感应式交流电机的转速。根据所选的DSP芯片TMS320LF2407A的功能,对驱动系统硬件电路进行了系统设计,主要包括电流、电压、温度、速度检测电路以及过电压、欠电压、过电流、温度保护电路等。 关键词 低速电动车驱动 控制器 驱动电路 检测电路 保护电路 Abstract In order to maintain a beautiful and elegant environment of the golf field, the vehicle used there should have zero pollution and low noise. Meanwhile, the golf vehicle reduces the request of the automobile dynamic quality and travel mileage. Electric Vehicle (EV) becomes a kind of new, fast-developing vehicle in the last years, which has the best future as a green vehicle, as the problems of energy and environment are becoming more and more serious in the 21st century. In this case use of pure electric vehicle as the golf vehicle suite extremely. The drive system is the core part of the electric golf vehicle’s power system, which is also the major work that has been completed by this thesis. The thesis takes the overall plan design to the separately excited DC motor’s drive system, and carries on the simulation analysis to this drive system by SABER software, so that to confirm it can realize the motor’s functions such as speed regulation, energy regeneration as well as soft-switching. This paper briefly expounds the electric car development history, background, significance, key technology and development status. In view of electric vehicle control system complexit


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