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题 目 荒漠区动植物关系的研究 关 键 词 spss 生态退化度 生态恢复回归分析 要: 本文针对文章提出的不同问题,应用不同的理论、方法和模型来对问题进行分析求解。 对于问题一,我们选取植物覆盖率以及植物的生物量对荒漠生态退化程度进行评估。对荒漠的退化共划分出三个阶段,分别为轻度退化、半退化、退化阶段。建立模型一,(1)对过牧、轮牧、开垦三种地区分别求出植物的平均覆盖率和平均生物量;(2)用得到的结果和划分的阶段标准进行对比;(3)得到结果:开垦地区处轻度退化状态,轮牧地区处半退化状态,过牧地区处退化状态。 对于问题二,由于人为的逆化退化程度植物作为着力点的所 参赛队号: 4333 所选题目: c 题 Abstract This paper presents different issues this paper , the application of different theories , methods and models to analyze the problem solved . For question one , we choose plant cover and biomass plants to assess the degradation degree of desert ecosystems . A total of desert divided into three stages of degradation , namely light degradation , semi degradation, degradation stage . Model 1. ( 1) Overgrazing, rotational grazing , reclaiming three areas are to determine the average coverage and average biomass plants ; ( 2 ) the results obtained with the phase standard for comparison and classification ; and (3 ) get the results : reclamation area at the slightly degraded state , rotational grazing area at half degraded condition , overgrazing area at the degraded condition . For question two , due to human degradation degree is the inverse of the plant as a focal point , so the only factor correlation analysis of plants . ( 4 ) the use of spss for biomarkers single area do correlation analysis ; ( 5 ) to determine significant correlation obtained for coverage and biomass was significantly related factors ; ( 6 ) the establishment of a multiple regression model ; ( 7 ) of herbs and shrubs coverage and biomass regression analysis, the quantitative relationship between the relevant factors ; whether (8 ) judgment can be artificially changed to promote the local ecological restoration to normal status , can not we willing to give due ; ( 9 ) If we can promote restoration ecology, It places more than 40% coverage , the biological greater than 100 to the normal state , the areas of recoverable quantitative analysis ; (


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