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第23卷第6期 生命科学 Vol. 23, No. 6
2011年6月 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences Jun., 2011
N- N-
糖基化位点鉴定方法和非经典 糖基化序列
周 蕾,顾建新*
摘 要:蛋白质的 糖基化修饰是生物体调控蛋白质在组织和细胞中的定位、功能、活性、寿命和多样性
的一种普遍的翻译后方式。 糖基化位点是理解糖链功能的重要前提之一。应用新的糖蛋白、糖肽富集技
N- N-
术和质谱技术,科学家们在不同组织中完成了对 糖基化位点的鉴定。此外,不同于经典三联子的 糖
基化序列的发现使人们对 糖基化过程的认识向纵深发展。
关键词: 糖基化;糖基化位点;非经典序列
中图分类号:Q513.3 文献标志码 :A
N-glycosylation sites analysis and nonconsensus N-glycosylated sequences
ZHOU Lei, GU Jian-Xin*
(Key Laboratory of Glycoconjugate Research, Ministry of Health; Shanghai Medical College, Fudan university, Shanghai
200032, China)
Abstract: N-glycosylation of proteins is the most common post-tranlational modification, strongly influencing
many of their location, function, activity, life span and diversity. Our knowledge to N-glycosylation sites is one of
the most important prerequisites for detailed functional understanding. Using new methods based on glycoproteins/
glycopeptides enrichment and mass spectrum techniques, scientists have been able to identify glycosylated sites in
different tissues. Besides, the discovery of novel sequence patterns for N-glycosylation will help to understand the
process of N-glycosylation better in future.
Key words: N-glycosylation; glycosylation sites; nonconsensus sequences
糖基化(Glycosylation) 是指蛋白质或脂质在酶 差异,糖链分为以下几种类型:(1) 连接于天冬酰