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当代美国的品德教育运动 Character Education Movement in Contemporary U.S.A 代表人物 1、美国纽约州立大学科特兰校区的托马斯·里可纳教授(Thomas Lickona) 2、伊利诺伊大学的爱德华·怀因(Edward A Wynne) 3、波士顿大学的凯文·莱因(Keven Ryan) 4、美国前教育部长威廉·贝内特(William J.Bennett) 主要内容 品德教育兴起的缘由 品德教育运动在当代美国的表现 品德教育的定义和运动主张 品德教育运动遇到的困难 对品德教育的评价及其对我国德育的启示 品德教育运动兴起的缘由 20世纪美国道德教育发展基本脉络 古典品德教育 道德相对主义和过程主义 复兴的品德教育 品德教育运动在当代美国的表现 品德关注联盟(Character Counts Coalition) 品德教育伙伴(Character Education Partnership) 儿童发展计划(Child Development Project) 长颈鹿计划(Giraffe Project) 公正社区学校(Just Community School ) 完美解决冲突计划(Resolving Conflict Creatively Programme) 责任心教室(Responsive Classroom) 全美品德关注周(National Character Counts Week) 品德与社会白宫会议 品德关注联盟(Character Counts Coalition) Character Counts is a voluntary partnership which supports character education nationally. The six pillars of character identified by the coalition include respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, caring, fairness, and citizenship. A variety of resource materials are available, along with training sessions and awards recognition Trustworthiness - A Musher trusts himself and his team; in their abilities and limitations with respect and dignity. Responsibility - A musher exhibits responsibility in all venues of his/her activities and competition. Caring - A musher shows compassion and empathy for those around him/her and lends a hand where needed. Respect - A musher respects self, property of others, and environment. He/she is courteous, polite, and considerate. Fairness - A musher practice fair play in following rules, taking turns, and sharing; he/she is just and open minded. Citizenship - A musher plays by the rules, does his/her share of the work and cooperates 品德教育伙伴(Character Education Partnership) The Character Education Partnership was founded in 1993 as a national nonpartisan coalition for character education. The CEP recognizes National Schools of Character which serve as models of exemplary character education practice in the country. 儿童发展项目(Child Development Projec


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