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企业节能减排与资源综合利用 浅析冶金企业中焦化厂的节能技术 1,2 2 3 1 1 1 梁 磊 张安洋 张力国 吴 铿 朱 荣 王丽红 (1 北京科技大学 北京 100083 2 鞍钢股份化工总厂 114021 3 鞍钢技术中心 鞍山 14021 ) 摘 要: 对钢铁冶金企业中焦化厂的工艺单元和相应的节能技术进行剖析。结果表明,工艺技术的进步是推动节能工 作发展的最重要因素.炼焦工艺单元应重点应用控煤、煤调湿、焦炉自动控温、干熄焦四项新技术,而副产回收工艺单 元的改进则应侧重于应用荒煤气显热回收、蒸馏用能优化等节能技术。同时应充分利用“三废”资源。 关键词: 钢铁;焦化厂;节能 Analysis of Energy Saving Technologies in Coke-making Plant of Metallurgical Enterprises LIANG Lei1,2 ZHANG An-yang1 ZHANG Li-guo3 WU Keng1 ZHU Rong 1 WANG Li-hong1 (1. University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; 2. General Chemical Works of An-steel Co., Ltd. ,Anshan 114021, Liaoning, China; 3 .Technology Center of An-steel Co., Ltd. ,Anshan 114021, Liaoning, China) Abstract: Process units and relevant energy-saving technologies in coke-making plants of iron steel metallurgical enterprises are analyzed. The results show that the progress of processes is the most important factor to gave an impetus to energy-saving task. Four new technologies which is feed coals control 、CMC、computer control for coke oven battery heating process、CDQ, should be applied in coke-making process units. On the other hand, in by-product recovery process units we should place emphasis upon the uses of energy-saving technologies, such as sensible heat recovery of raw gas technology 、optimized energy disposition technology for distillation and so on. At the same time, we must take full advantage of the “three wastes” resources. Key words: Iron steel; Coke-making plant; Energy saving 钢铁企业是耗能型企业,所耗能源以煤为主 就不可能有高炉煤气;没有焦炭的渗碳铁水,就 [1] ,而铁前系统耗能约占企业总耗能量的60%- 不可能有转炉煤气,更谈不上负能炼钢。因此, 70% 。在铁前的烧结、球团、焦化、炼铁四个工序 作为钢铁企业重要的能源基地,焦化厂产能和用 [2] 的应用, 中,铁、烧工序已经实现了若干节能技术


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