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 我国绿色建筑项目全寿命周期风险因素识 别:一种集成方法的探索# 秦旋,荆磊,万欣* 5 10 15 20 25 30 (华侨大学土木工程学院,福建 厦门 361021) 摘要:绿色建筑与一般建筑相比,具有新颖性、技术的专业性、建设目标的长期性和复杂性 等特点,因此其风险问题较普通建筑更为突出。本文研究的目的是基于全寿命周期视角对绿 色建筑各阶段的风险因素进行辨识,引起各界对绿色建筑风险问题的关注。首先将绿色建筑 全寿命周期划分为决策阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、试运行阶段和运营维护 5 个阶段,然后 系统地对国内外关于绿色建筑风险的文献进行归纳和总结,并结合专家访谈、问卷调研等方 法,对绿色建筑全寿命周期各阶段的风险因素进行识别,共识别出 56 项风险因素。最后建 立了我国绿色建筑全寿命周期的风险清单。研究采用了文献研究、专家访谈和问卷调查三种 方法的集成,研究结果是可信的。 关键词:绿色建筑;全寿命周期;风险识别;文献研究;专家访谈;问卷调查 中图分类号:C931 Risk identification of green building projects lifecycle in China using an integration-based method QIN Xuan, JING Lei, WAN Xin (College of Civil Engineering,National Huaqiao University, FuJian XiaMen 361021) Abstract: Compared with conventional construction projects, green building is featured by inventiveness, professional technique, complexity and long-term nature. These features could increase the probability of project risk and amplify its consequences. The aim of this paper is to identify risk factors of Green Building in China from the perspective of life cycle, and which led to great attentions are paid to risk management of Green Building. Firstly,five major phases in the green building projects’ lifecycle have been identified: decision-making, design, construction, commissioning and operation maintenance. And then systematically summed up the literature from the country and the abroad about green building risk factors, combining the result of expert interview which have experience on green building in china and the pre-survey data as improving the initial list, the paper identified 56 risk factors of GB in all based on Life-cycle theory. Finally, the GB’s risks list has been established, this study has mainly taken reading literature, interviews, and data analysis which come into making thesis more convincing. Keywords: Green Building(GB); Life-cycle; Risk identification; Literature review; Interview; Questionnaire 35 0 引言 我国正处在高速城镇化阶段,大量的资源消耗已成为社会可持续发展的突出问题,发展 绿色建筑是解决我国资源问题的重要战略。“十二五”期间,绿色建筑将从“启蒙”阶段迈 [1] 40  节材、节地


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