手动草坪机 毕业论文.doc

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手动草坪机 毕业论文

目录 1绪 论 1 1.1引言 1 1.2 草坪机在国内外现状和发展趋势 1 1.2.1 草坪修剪机械 1 1.2.2 草坪通气养护机械 2 1.2.3 草坪施肥机械 2 1.2.4 其它机械设备 2 1.3 设计手动草坪机的意义 2 1.4作品的科学性与先进性 3 2 总体结构设计方案 5 2.1主要任务以及主要技术指标 5 2.1.1总体要求 5 2.1.2. 手动草坪机设计与制作的具体任务 5 2.1.3主要技术指标 5 2.2手动草坪机的工作原理 5 3手动草坪机的零部件设计 7 3.1 机械零件的设计方法 7 3.1.1 传统的设计方法 7 3.1.2 现代设计方法 7 3.2 机械零件的选择原则及材料选择 7 3.2.1材料的选择原则 7 3.2.2钢 8 3.2.3铸铁 8 3.3销的选择 9 3.4链传动 9 3.4.1链传动的特点和应用: 9 3.4.2链传动的计算: 9 3.5轴 14 3.5.1 轴的选材 15 3.5.2 滚刀转轴的计算 15 3.6滚动轴承的选择 20 3.6.1 滚动轴承的校核 20 4 切削用量的选择原则和计算 23 4.1 切削用量的选择原则 23 4.1.1切削深度ap 23 4.1.2进给量f 23 4.1.3切削速度V 23 4.2 切削用量的计算 23 附录1:手动草坪机效果图 27 总 结 28 参 考 文 献 29 致 谢 30 附录2: 31 摘要 本设计为手动草坪机的设计,针对以人力为主驱动源,达到最大化利用资源,减少对能源的依赖。依照这个思路设计了一种异于现市场的家庭式割草机。整个草坪机分二级链传动部分、机架部分和刀具部分,割草机构及推杆机构的连接框架,传动机构与割草机构相连接。设计链传动手动草坪修剪机,有滚刀的设计,链传动设计,机架设计,且将实物制作出来。其特点在于:所述的割草机构由滚刀构成;所述的传动机构与割草机构的连接为齿轮与割草机构滚刀的转轴连接。手动草坪机特别适于小面积草坪的割草处理,与现有的设有动力的割草机构相比,它体积小,操作轻便,使用安全,可靠,便于维修,保养简单,环保型,低噪声,无动力,对减少噪声污染有着积极的意义。起动容易,适用于庭园草坪,割草的同时又可锻炼身体。 关键词:Aimed at with manpower as mainly drive source to attain to the most optimization of resource. And reduce the dependent on source. Depending on the thought, a sort of lawn machine of home style is designed which differ from the market now. The whole lawn machine consist of the part of two level chain drive. frame part and tool part, as well as the joint frames of law mechanism and hand spike mechanism. drive mechanism and the lawn mechanism. The narrated lawn mechanism is composed of hob; the narrated joint of drive mechanism and mower mechanism is the joint of gear and the rotate axis of mower hob. The content of the design include the design of hob, chain drives, frame. A lawn machine is produced at last. manuallawn machine suits for the process of small are lawn particularly. The characteristics include its small volume, easy to operate, safety, credibility, convenient to service .maintain is simple, the style of protecting environment, lower yawp, without dynamic, and have active meaning for lower yawp pollution. Its jump-start e


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