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* * * * * * The inherent densification of optical transport functions enabled by Photonic Integrated Circuits allows system architecture and design to be greatly simplified compared to existing point-point WDM systems and architectures. The Infinera DTN is architected similarly to a SONET/SDH add/drop multiplexer (ADM), so that an end-end network can be easily deployed in a “plug play” fashion, and add/drop traffic only requires the addition of tributary cards at the entrance and exit points of the network. For example, assuming that an initial network deployment requires interconnection between two points, a DTN node is deployed at each end and an Infinera Optical Line Amplifier in between as required to span the optical distance between the nodes (in the case one OLA is assumed). By simply adding one BMM and one DLM card at each node, the network can be activated with 100Gb/s of DWDM capacity (that’s 10 x 10Gb/s channels!). Expanding the network to other nodes only requires the addition of addition DTNs at those sites, and equipping them with the required BMM and DLM circuit packs to provision capacity in increments of 100Gb/s of capacity, up to 400Gb/s (in Release 1.0). Very importantly, automated System Line-Up and Test (auto-SLAT) capabilities built into the system allow automated turn-up of the links, allowing “plug play” network engineering and minimizing technician time and technical proficiency requirements for network turn-up. Once the network is deployed, customer traffic is simply provisioned by adding TAM tributary circuit packs ONLY at the entrance and exit points of the customer service. Therefore 1G, 2.5G and 10G service connectivity can be established between any two points simply by adding one circuit pack at each end. End-end service turn-up is then enabled by a GMPLS control plane that establishes automated end-end circuit routing across intermediate nodes. And because traffic add/drop or pass-through at each node is done suing an el


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