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Chapter 1 An Overview 第一章概述 1.1 Introduction 1.1介绍 Materials are the matter of the universe. These substances have properties that make them useful in structures, machines, devices, products, and systems. The term properties describe behavior of materials when subjected to some external force or condition. For example, the tensile strength of a metal is a measure of the materials resistance to a pulling force. The Family of Materials consists of four main groups of materials: Metals (e.g., steel), Polymers (e.g., plastics), Ceramics (e.g., porcelain), and Composites (e.g., glass-reinforced plastics). The materials in each group have similar properties and/or structures, as will be described later. 材料是宇宙的物质。这些物质的特性使其有用的结构、机器设备、产品和系统。这个术语属性描述材料的行为时,受到一些外部力量或状态。例如,抗拉强度的金属是测量的材料抵抗了拉力。这个家庭的材料由四个主要群体的材料:金属(如钢)、高分子材料(例如:塑料)、陶瓷(如瓷),复合材料(例如,增强塑料)。每一组的材料有相似的性质和/或建筑物,如稍后会提到。 Engineering materials is a term often used loosely to define most materials that go into products and systems. A telephone is a product that would be part of a telephone system composed of many telephones, wires, fiber optics, switches, computers, and so on. Engineering materials can also have a more specific meaning that refers to materials whose structure has been designed to develop specific properties for a given application. 工程材料是一种常用的松散定义最材料,进入产品和系统。电话是一种产品,将部分电话系统由许多电话、电线、光纤、开关、电脑等。工程材料也可以有更多的特定含义是指材料的结构已经被设计来发展特性对于一个给定的应用。 Engineering plastics such as polycarbonates and acetals could replace more conventional engineering materials such as steel and wood because their properties are competitive for structural components such as piping, cams, and gears. On the other hand, general-purpose plastics, such as polystyrene and vinyls, do not possess the properties to carry heavy loads but serve as packaging, upholstery, and so on. 工程塑料,如polycarbonates缩醛可以代替常规,工程材料,如钢材和木材,因为它们的性质有竞争力的结构元件,如管道、视角、齿轮。另一方面,通用型塑料制品,如聚苯乙烯、乙烯基、不具有携带重物,但作为包装、


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