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(广西大学化学化工学院 南宁 530004) 摘 要 我国是松香生产大国,而又主要集中在两广地区。松香是我区重要的化工产品,主要应用于油墨、油漆、造纸等化工行业,大部分出口到日本、美国及欧洲地区,每年都创下高额外汇。目前,在国外,脂松香的生产重要在印度,其他国家也有生产,但产量小且日趋减少;在国内,与世界经济发达国家相比较,我国中、小规模松香工业当前存在的问题之一就是生产技术水平比较落后、设备不够成熟、劳动力成本大;而提高技术水平、改进加工设备、降低劳动资源、减少生产成本、提高经济效益、扩大松香生产规模是我国松香企业发展的方向,现区内已有生产能力达到10000 t/a规模大型企业。 本课题要求完成12000t/a 松香生产的工艺设计,通过比较、论证目前松香生产行业中各种不同的生产工艺方法后,根据本设计的规模及各项要求,选择间歇熔解、连续蒸馏相结合的生产工艺流程。在目前已有的技术基础上,改进设备结构、充分利用蒸馏闭气尾汽及松节油--水蒸汽混合蒸汽的热量作为松脂原料的熔解加热蒸汽和脂液的预热蒸汽使用,减少生产过程中蒸汽用量,节约成本;同时保证连续生产的松香产品、松节油产品质量达到GB/T8145-2003及GB/T1299/-91要求及深加工行业的技术指标要求。该课题适应目前松香行业发展的大规模、稳质量、节能环保等要求,且具有创新可行性。松香行业的扩大规模生产在我国我区具有广阔的发展空间前景,对我国松香生产的发展有重大意义。 关键词: 松香 生产工艺 节能 工艺流程 Wu Jiachao (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University,Nanning,530004) ABSTRACT Rosin is mainly production by our country, and it mainly concentrates in GuangDong and GuangXi two provinces. Rosin is an important product of chemical industry for GuangXi. It is mainly applied in the field of chemical industry, such as printing ink, paint anvl papermaking and so on. The majority of rosins are exported to Japan, America and other Turopean countries which sets the record of high quoata foreign exchange every year. At present, in overseas, the production of gum rosin is mainly responed by India and other countries, but the output is not only limited but also gradually reduced. At home, compared with other developed counties, one of problems which exist in our country is middle and small scale rosin industry, that is, the standard of technology to be quiet backward, the equipment to be not mature, and the labor fore cost to be high. So the development of direction of country is to inhence the technical level, to improve the processing of equipment, to decline the labor resources, to reduce the production cost, to decline the economic efficiency, and to expand the production of rosin scale. Nowadays, the capability of our areas’ major industries have been reaching up 10000t/a. The topic requested by the 1200


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