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某白酒营销策略研究 摘 要 白酒属于中国的传统蒸馏酒系列。它的生产工艺非常独特,品牌历史也源远流长,在国内外都享有极高的声誉。作为高端消费品的白酒,自从2008年金融危机以来虽然受到了多重负面因素的影响,如:政府、企业及个人消费的缩减、消费税地从严征收、酒后驾车的严厉整治等,但仍然保持了较好地复苏态势。2009年下半年,白酒行业的回升势头更为明显。 笔者试图通过白酒营销的现状、特点及面临的挑战进行研究、探讨,结合我国白酒市场的特点,从中发现某白酒营销策略方面存在的问题及其根本原因,进一步提出了改进措施,从而为公司今后的长远发展奠定基础。笔者也希望通过本文的研究能够给国内的白酒销售提供一些新的思路,对今后的行业发展提供一定的理论指导意见。 本文将主要解答以下问题:改进现行营销策略的必要性——白酒营销面临的问题;实施营销策略改进的可行性——公司目前所具备的优势和条件;如何改进白酒的营销策略——营销策略具体改进措施和注意事项。 文章在吸收白酒行业相关研究成果的基础上,提出了几点创新:1、对我国现有白酒营销情况进行了归纳总结。2、基于营销理论模式,提供了白酒行业在营销过程中有借鉴价值的观点和思路,为白酒行业提供了有建设性的思路。相信通过本文的研究,能够为公司调整营销策略,优化品牌结构起到积极的作用。 关键词:白酒,营销,策略 Title : The Alcohol marketing strategy research of Guizhou Feitianshengshi Company Major: Executive Master of Business Administration Name: Supervisor: Professor ABSTRACT White Spirit is a traditional distilled liquor of china. It has a unique technology, a long history and an excellent reputation in China and foreign country. Since 2009, it takes the liquor industry as a representative of the high-end luxury consumer goods. Along with the financial crisis continues to spread in, government consumption has been reducted, enterprise and individual consumption ability has been declined. Meanwhile,consumption tax is strictly collected, drunk driving has been tackling. Under the influence of those negative factors, the spirits still maintained a good momentum of recovery. Especially in the second half of 2009, the industry situation rebound more clearly. Through the research, the author tries to study the liquor marketing status, characteristics and the challenges of Guizhou feitianshengshi Company. Combined with China’s liquor market characteristics, it also wants to find the problem of the liquor company marketing strategies and the root cautions, and puts forward the improvement measures for the company, it will forming the foundation for the long-term development. The author hopes that the research could provide some new ideas for the liquor marketing, and some theoretical guidance to the industry. The


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