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公司简介Company profile 北京佰润泽环境科技发展有限公司2007年创立于北京,公司主要的营业范围包括环保设备代理、环境工程项目总包、给排水处理工艺及咨询服务等。公司致力打造成为高科技的环保企业,以环境污染治理工程技术为先导,重点研究生物工程、化学工程在污水处理与污水资源化综合治理以及污染空气处理等领域的应用。特别是对传统处理工艺的适用性进行革新、研发,有针对性的开发不同种类污染综合治理方案与技术。 Beijing Bairunze Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007 and is mainly engaged in agency of environmental protection equipment, general contracting of environmental engineering projects, and treatment process and consulting for water supply and wastewater treatment, etc. We’re committed to develop into a hi-tech environmental protection corporation, which is led by environment pollution treatment engineering technology and focuses on the research of the application of biological engineering and chemical engineering to fields, including comprehensive treatment of sewage disposal and reclamation as well as treatment of air pollution. And we attach greater importance to innovate, research and develop the suitability of traditional treatment process and develop appropriate comprehensive treatment programs and technologies. 恶臭污染概述 Summary of odor pollution恶臭:是指凡是能刺激人的嗅觉器官,普遍引起不愉快或厌恶,损害人体健康的气味。恶臭污染:是指大气、水、废弃物等物质中的异味通过空气介质,作用于人的嗅觉思维而感知的一种感知污染。 嗅觉阈值:嗅觉能勉强辨认臭气物质或臭气特点的最小臭气物质浓度。Odor: means any smell that stimulates our olfactory organ, arouses general dislike or displeasure and damages our health. Odor pollution: means a kind of pollution that is sensed by us when any odor from atmosphere, water and wastes is applied to our olfactory thinking through air. Odor threshold value: means the minimum concentration of odor substance that allows the olfaction makes out the odor substance or characteristics of the odor. 恶臭污染源: Odor pollution sources:污水处理工业 Sewage treatment industry 垃圾填埋工业 Landfill industry 污泥处理工业 Sludge treatment industry 食品加工业 Food processing industry 石油石化及其衍生品行业 Petrochemical and derivative industry目前以污水处理厂产生的臭气最为普遍,其臭气产生位置和原因如下表: Most of the odor is generated is from sewage treatment plant, the position and causes of odor is shown b


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