毕博管理咨询工具Customer Survey Template-Chinese.doc

毕博管理咨询工具Customer Survey Template-Chinese.doc

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毕博管理咨询工具Customer Survey Template-Chinese

客 户 调 查 CUSTOMER SURVEY 产品与服务 products anD services 本部分主要针对企业的产品与服务。它旨在了解你对该企业为客户提供产品与服务方面的表现的看法。 This section focuses on the businesses products and services. It explores your perception of how well the business delivers products and services to its customers. 1 - Never从不 2- 偶尔Occasionally 3 - 常常Often 4 – 经常 Very Often 5 - 总是Always 6 – 不适用 Not Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 定期向该企业购买产品与服务 Products and services are purchased from this business on a regular basis 你了解企业所有的产品与服务(参见随附的产品与服务目录清单) You are made aware of all of the products and services that the business has to offer (Please refer to the attached list of products and services) 你所得到的服务是高水平的 The level of service you receive is always of a high standard 产品与服务的质量总是处于高水平 The quality of products and services are always of a high standard 产品与服务总是能够及时地送到 Products and services are always delivered in a prompt and timely manner 你有从其竞争对手那里购买类似的产品/服务 You use competitors who offer the similar products / services 竞争对手产品/服务的质量要比该企业低 Competitors generally offer products and services that are of a quality lower than those offered by this business 该企业提供的产品与服务物有所值 The business offers products and services that are value for money 该企业员工总是主动为你提供有关产品与服务的专业化建议 The team members proactively offer knowledgeable advice about products and services 产品与服务总是展现其专业性的一面 Products and services are presented in a professional manner at all times 企业总是有效的处理产品与服务问题 Product and service problems are dealt with efficiently and effectively 你认为该企业的产品与服务在同行业中处于领先地位 You consider the business to be one of the leading product or service providers in the market ( 在下面的空格内,请写出你对该企业如何提高产品与服务(质量、服务、送货)的三个建议 In the space below please write your 3 recommendations for how the business can improve its Products/Services (quality, service, delivery etc) 1. 2. 3. 客户服务 customer service This section examines how well the business is perceived to deliver customer se


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