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28 4 四 川 环 境 Vol28, N o4 2009 8 SICHUAN ENVIRONMENT August 2009 1, 2 2 1 1 王 科 , 陈正宏 , 苟克宁, 陈 静 ( 1, 72101 ; 2, 7 0050) : 自来水生产过程滤池要定期反冲洗, 滤池反冲洗废水最早 般被直接排放, 近年来低成本安全回用滤池反冲洗 废水逐渐受到重视其主要处理回用技术从以直接回用或混凝- 沉淀后回用为主的传统技术, 逐渐转变为高效安全的 膜回收技术评析滤池反冲洗废水回用技术在实际应用中存在的问题, 对回收滤池反冲洗废水提出建议分析表明饮 用水系统滤池反冲洗废水采用膜过滤技术可避免自来水厂出水浊度增加出水消毒副产物增加和致病微生物增加三大 问题 : ; ; ; ; : X742 : A : 1001 644( 2009) T echn ical Progress of T reating and R eusing F ilter B ackw ash W ater in W ater P lants 1, 2 2 1 1 WANG K e , CHEN Zhenghong , GOU K ening, CHEN Jing ( 1Dep tGeogSci Envm tEngn, Baoj i Un ivof A rts Science , Baoj i, Shaanx i 721007, China; 2Departm ent of P etrochem istry of anzhou Un ivers ity of Technology, anzhou 7 0050, Ch ina) Abs tract: During the process of drinking w ater preparation, the sand filters must be backw ashed regularly In the past the filter backw ash water ( FBWW ) was discharged d irectlyH ow ever, it is paid more and more attention to reuse FBWW cheap ly and safely in recent years The technologies of reusing FBWW are updated from trad itional one such as d irect recircu lation or recircu lation after coagu lationsedmi en tation to membrane recovery that is efficient and safe In this paper prob lem s of reusing FBWW w ere analyzed and suggestionsw ere givenA s a resu lt, m em brane recover w as recomm ended to reuse FBWW to avoid w orsening of turb idity, disinfection byproducts and pathogenic bacteria K eyw ord s: Reuse filter backw ash water; traditional techniques; m embrane techniques; disinfection byproducts;



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