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3 Vol .40 No. 3
1,2 1, 3 1, 2 1,2
康 琦 , 安 静 , 汪 镭 , 吴启迪
( 1. , 201804; 2.
, 201804; 3. , 201418)
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: TP18 : A : 0372-2112 ( 2012) 03-0548-011
URL: http: / / www. ejournal. or . cn DOI : 10. 3969/ j. issn. 0372-2112. 2012. 03. 023
Nature- Inspired Computation: A Survey
KANG Qi1, 2,AN Jin 1, 3, WANG Lei1, 2, WU Qi-di1, 2
(1. Dep artment of Control Science and Engineering , Tongj i University , Shanghai 201804, China;
2. Key La oratory of Em edded System and Service Comp uting Ministry of Education, Tongj i University, Shanghai 201804, China;
3. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China)
Abstract: Nature-inspired computation ( NIC) is a heuristic optimization concept and a novel thinkin pattern of computa-
tional intelli ence by imitatin various operatin mechanisms effectively in nature. This paper studies the relationship between unifi-
cation and diversity of NIC models from the dialectical perspective of natural philosophy. First, a kind of eneral framework for
studyin NIC is proposed; Second, all kinds of existin NIC models are systemic summarized in this paper, from inspiration source to
research branch, from computin models to their applications, from hardware-software implements to computer development, as well
as other aspects; Finally, based on the proposed unification concept of NIC models, calculation principle and analysis framew ork of
the unification o
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