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2010 6 Vol. 15, N o. 2 JOURNAL OF ANHU IELECTRICAL ENG INEER ING PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUE COLLEGE June 2010 孙显元 ( , 230026) : 芝诺用以构造悖论的逻辑是论 术, 是形式逻辑的前身他从能被思维的是能存在的 形而上学(本体论)原理出发, 认为矛盾在逻辑上是不可能的, 从而建立了感性与理性的二律 背反芝诺悖论都是建立在这 个二律背反基础上的, 它是产生芝诺悖论的总根源芝诺 把作为思维科学的逻辑推广到整 个宇宙, 把知性思维的认识推广到理性思维领域, 将逻辑矛盾 等同于 证矛盾, 进一步取消 证矛盾, 从而以理性否定感性, 否定事物的矛盾和运动的存在 : 芝诺悖论; 论 术;逻辑矛盾; 证矛盾;形而上学 : 502. 15 : A : 2010) L ogic and M etaphy sics in Zenos Paradoxes S UN X ianyuan ( School of H um an ity and Soc ial Science, Un iversity of Science and Tech nology of Ch ina, H ef ei 230026, Ch ina) A bstract: The logicwhich has been used to construct the paradoxes by Zeno is the dialectic, and is the predecessor of the form al logic. From the fundamental of metaphysics ( ontology) that what can be thought is that can be, Zeno has thought that contradiction is mi possible logically and thereby created the antinomyof sensibility and reason. Zenos Paradoxes have been built on the basis of this antinomy. And this antinomyis them ajor root of the formation of Zenos Paradoxes. The logic as thought science has been extrapolated to thewhole universe and the intellectuality thinking has been extrapolated to ra tional thinking by Zeno. Logical contradiction has been identifiedw ith dialectical contradiction, and fur ther, dialectical contradiction has been canceled. A ccordingly, reason has been used to refute sensibility and the existences of the contradictions andmotions of things. K ey words: Zenos Paradoxes; dialectic; logical contradiction; dialectical contradiction; metaphysics , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,



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