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生物技术通报 # # B IOTE CHNOLOGY BULLE TIN 2009 9 1, 2 1 1 1 2 ( 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518020; 湖南师范大学医学院, 长沙 410006) : , , 。, , , 、、、( RNA i) 、 , 。 : RNA Th eM eth od s an d T echn ologies for P rotein Fun ct ion Study 1, 2 1 1 Jiang Y ingzhi H e Lianhua L iu Jianjun 1 2 ( Sh enzh en Center for D isea se Control and P revention, Sh enzh en 518020; Th eMed ica l College of Huna nN orma l Un iversity, Ch angsh a 410006 Ab s trac t: W ith the ost2genom e erac s com ing, the rotein function study has becom e the core of roteom ics, and is one of the most challenging issues in life science. A lthough there have been a lot of researches involving roteinsc function, the reviews ofm eth2 ods and technologies for rotein function study are extrem ely scarce. In th is review, the currentm ethods/technologies and develo m ents of rotein function study were discussed, includ ing screen ing and identifying differential roteins, rotein2 rotein interactions, rotein subcellu lar localization , the molecular genetical tools in rotein ex ression changes ( such as RNA i), and b io2in form atics. The re2 searchers cou ld choose the su itab le m ethods and technologies accord ing to the stud ied roteins and the ex ermi ent dem ands. Ke y w ords: Protein function Proteom e Subcellular localization Protein2 rotein interactions RNA interference 蛋白质是生命的物质基础, 是生命活动的最终



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