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27 6 V o.l 27 N o. 6 2007 12 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION D ec. 2007 : 1000- 1301( 2007) 06- 0097- 09 范 力, 吕西林, 赵 斌, 张继承 ( , 200092) : 2 , , : , 1/ 25 , , , : : P315. 97 TU 375 TU 317. 1 : A P seudodynam ic test on jointed p recast concrete fram e structures FAN L i, LU X ilin, ZHAO B in, ZHANG J icheng ( State K ey L aboratory for D isaster R educt ion in C iv il E ngineering, T ong jiU n ivers ity, Shanghai 200092, C h ina) Abs tract: T he pseudodynam ic test w as condu cted on two precast concrete fram e structuresw ith one f loor and double span s, wh ich w ere form ed by the bean- to-co lum n connection w ith rubber cu shion and bo lt, to investigate their seis- m ic behaviors including the failure pattern, strength, stiffness, hysteret ic ch aracteristic and energy d issipat ion, et al. T he test results show th at th is k ind o f precast concrete stru ctures can g ive satisfactory seism ic p erform ance w hen drift arrives at 1/ 25 the stru ctures still h ave rem arkable carrying capac ity. The beam- to-column connection s w ith rubber cushion and bo lt work w ell and the fa ilure ru le of the stru ctures is du ctile co lum n bend ing failure. K ey w ord s: precast concrete jo inted connection pseudodynam ic test earthquake resistance fram e stru cture 187 5 6 11, W illiam H enry L asce ll 215 1 / Improvem ent in the con stru ction of bu ildings0, , L ascell, M o rris [ 1] , 70 , PR ESSS( Precast seism ic str


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