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摘 要 网络棋牌游戏,作为一个新生事物,从诞生到现在不过几年时间。随着互联网在我国的飞速发展,网络棋牌以其足不出户便能决胜于千里之外的独有魅力,早已将那些以往只能面对面博弈的棋友们,从棋桌上拉到了电脑屏幕前。这是世界棋牌运动的未来发展趋势。 棋牌类游戏是网络游戏中非常流行的游戏种类它简单易学、趣味性强,与其它大型网游相比,游戏设计和实现的难度相对较低。本文首先将阐述网络棋牌游戏的背景和研究的意义,接着简单介绍基于VC++和开源的2D游戏引擎HGE设计的局域网对战“跑得快”游戏的一种实现方法。并介绍了套接字(SOCKET)的使用,多线程通信的实现,HGE引擎的简单使用以及HGE引擎中GUI(图形用户界面)的简单应用。该系统界面友好,功能实现起来容易,对编写棋牌游戏的入门有着很好的帮助。 关键词:套接字; VC++; HGE; 多线程 Abstract Network card games, as a new thing, from the birth of a few years now, however. With the rapid Internet development in China, the network will be able to run-off Card in their homes thousands of miles away on the unique charm of the past, only those who already face-to-face friends chess game, chess table, pulled from a computer screen. This Card is one of the world development trend of the future of that movement. Card games are very popular online game types of games, it easy to learn, fun, and compared with other large-scale online games, game design and realization of a relatively low degree of difficulty. This article will first set out the background of the network board games and study the meaning, and then a brief introduction based on VC + + and open source 2D game engine design HGE LAN against run fast, Method for the game. And introduced the Socket (SOCKET) the use of the realization of multi-threaded communication, HGE engine and simple to use HGE engine GUI (graphical user interface) a simple application. The system is user-friendly, functional easy to achieve, to the preparation of board games have a very good entry help. Keywords: Socket; VC++; HGE; multi-threaded 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1. 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 网络棋牌游戏研究的发展及研究现状 1 1.3 研究的背景 2 1.4 研究的意义 2 1.5 研究内容和拟解决的关键问题 3 1.6 需求分析 3 2. 开发工具 5 2.1 Visual C++集成开发环境 5 2.1.1正文窗口 5 2.1.2 Workspace 窗口 5 2.2 Haafs Game Engine引擎 6 2.2.1 HGE引擎在vc++6.0上的使用 6 2.2.2 HGE引擎的初始化 8 3. 总体设计 10 3.1 系统概述 10 3.2 主要实现的功能 10 3.3 系统功能设计图 10 3.4 系统流程图 11 3.4.1 服务器端流程图 11 3.4.2 客户端流程图 12 4. 详细设计与实现 13 4.1 服务器端设计 13 4.1.1 服务器的创建 13 4.1.2套接字及地


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