老友记 六人行 第一季第十五集经典笔记.doc

老友记 六人行 第一季第十五集经典笔记.doc

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老友记 六人行 第一季第十五集经典笔记

The One With the Stoned Guy Written by: Jeff Greenstein Jeff Strauss Transcribed by: Ruth Curran Converted to HTML: by Dan Silverstein 115?大麻客 公司提升钱德,但他毅然拒绝,因为他并非真正喜欢和数字打一辈子交道; 而他的老板却穷追猛打,不断允诺更高的薪水,最后钱德败阵,得以升职;? (这可不正像六人行收山传闻不断却又拍了又拍!) 他洋洋得意对菲比炫耀他的新办公室和他招之即来的秘书小姐。 菲比的一个客户在找大厨,莫妮卡于是做菜应征; 不幸的是,此人来的路上吸食了大麻、神智不清、见啥吃啥,那个晚上简直就是个灾难。 罗斯和博物馆的女同事赛丽亚约会,赛丽亚想听他讲下流话; 罗斯——起初——还不大会讲…… [Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving Joey, Ross, and Monica their drinks.] Rachel: (to Joey) Coffee. (Hands it to him.) Joey: Thank you. Rachel: (to Ross) Cappuccino. (Hands it to him.) Ross: Grazie. Grazie:当瑞秋给罗斯一杯“卡布其诺”咖啡时,罗斯用意大利文回了一句“谢谢(Grazie)”Rachel: And a nice hot cider for Monica. (Hands it to her.) cider n.苹果酒 Monica: Aww, thank you. (Notices something.) Uh Rach? Rachel: Yeah? Monica: Why does my cinamon stick have an eraser? cinnamon n.[植物]肉桂, 桂皮, 肉桂色 Rachel: Oh! Thats why. (Rachel checks behind her ear, and finds a cinamon stick.) Im sorry! (She takes the pencil out of Monicas coffee and Monica puts her cup down in disgust.) Opening Credits [Scene: Chandlers job, Chandler is typing data into his computer, he keeps typing even while taking a drink of coffee with one hand. One of his co-workers同事 walks by.] Woman: Chandler. Chandler: Mrs. Tedlock. Youre looking lovely today. And may I say, that is a very flattering sleeve length on you. flattering adj. adj.谄媚的, 讨人欢喜的, 奉承的Mrs. Tedlock: Yes. Well, Mr. Kostelick wants you to stop by his office at the end of the day. Chandler: Oh, listen. If this is about those prank memos, I had nothing to do with them. Really. Nothing at all. Really. (Chandler tries to hide a rubber chicken from the woman.) Nothing. prank n.恶作剧,玩笑/memo (memorandum的缩写)n.备忘录/have nothing to do with与……无关/rubber chicken橡皮鸡 [Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there but Chandler. Phoebe runs in, excitedly.] Phoebe: Hey you guys! Chandlers coming and he says he has, like, this incredible news, so when he gets here, we could all act like, you know... (Chandler comes in.) Cha


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